Vintage Strength programs

Any of you guys tried or know anything about vintage strength training programs? These strongmen from the 19th and early 20th century have aesthetics I don't really see that often, and they were natural as well. Thinking about buying some modern prints of classical strength training books any recs?

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Yeah, its called 12 hours of heavy duty manual labor.

What r u looking at punk?

Like this?

tfw you take the neck pill

These guys were doing some crazy shit.

Looks like no one knows about this topic. I'll experiment with incorporating some of these old techniques and make a thread in a month posting my results.

Sandow was obviously one of the GOAT original bodybuilders but his writings are no help. He tells clearly fictional stories about his super-human strength (picking up boulders with one finger, etc.), I wasn't able to separate the fiction from fact to discern what his actual training methodology was.

only one I can think of is The Hepburn Method

OK I have downloaded two of his books, will go through them.
I will check it out.

Yes please OP

Is this nigga natty?

Yes they all were

Steroids didn't exist in their current form, but there were plenty of other things to use. Coke, meth and heroin were all legal, you could even order heroin from the Sears catalog, so it's hard to compare a natural trainer today to old time strongmen.

How are his chocolate recipes?

Heroin is low t inducing tho

>These strongmen from the 19th and early 20th century have aesthetics I don't really see that often, and they were natural as well.

Not to be a downer but they didn't live in a world where the water supply and every form of produced food has estrogens and hormones in it that nuke your T count and sperm count. The sperm count in white men across the entire planet has HALVED in the last 40 years for some (((unknown))) reason. This only effect white men and many studies are currently underway on it....

Those guys back then who weren't a victim of a globalist conspiracy to feminise western men probably had a test level of 2000 ng/dl or something reduculous. Back when men were men and social engineering wasn't what it is today.

It probably has a lot to do with our economy being a lot more service based now. Manual and outdoor jobs are probably a lot better for test.

You probably don't have vintage testosterone levels

>yeah they could use meth and heroin which clearly gave them those strong muscles
The NattyOrNot crowd has some of the dumbest logic I've seen

>The sperm count in white men across the entire planet has HALVED in the last 40 years for some (((unknown))) reason.
Is that (((reason))) the chemicals in our food and the global capitalist system that favors large, unethical producers who use them to remain competitive in the market?

I recall one early 20th centurt bodybuilder training his legs legs by walking up and down the Strairs for 20 minutes with his brother on his back

Shit was dope

Sandow was 5 foot 9 and 92kg with that level of body fat. Is it possible these numbers were inflated??

>Those guys back then who weren't a victim of a globalist conspiracy to feminise western men probably had a test level of 2000 ng/dl or something reduculous. Back when men were men and social engineering wasn't what it is today.


That's because white men usually have non laborious jobs and non-confrontational lives. Things that raise test. What they do have is chronic stress about finances, family, status etc. Stress lowers test.

It's not the nanograms of chemicals in your food, it's your lifestyle. work as a laborer, live in an area with constant fights and stop worrying about your future. get those test gains.

Men should be allowed to take testosterone replacements because we're clearly too low test compared to men of previous generations.

But I like making money and having job security. I don't want to lower my self to a blue collar underpaid job where I exhaust myself so I can't train.

exactly my implied point. instead of trying to blame skyjews for turning the frogs gay, count your blessings that you're living a life that doesn't require muscle and aggression to make it through the day. just go to the gym so the comfort doesn't make you waste away.

don't forget the animal semen they injected...

Lifting shit until you break your back and die in a dirty alleyway.

>men probably had a test level of 2000 ng/dl or something reduculous
though we can't know this, it's only proven that average test has declined the last decades.
a high-t man was around 1200 ng/dl 40 years ago as a high-t man is today.

But they had lead in their water supply.

>Vintage Strength programs
Ahhhh OP is one of those people who failed to get big and strong from proven workout program so he wants to do meme programs in order to cope with his mediocrity

Sandow's job was to be a circus strongman. That's not manual labor, you mong.

T * R K I S H G E T U P S


Read his post, nigger, he wants to know what they did that gave them such a different aesthetic to modern lifters.

The secret OP is that they did so many meme exercises and stunts that recruited all of the support muscles much better than the standard weightlifting program of today. Look up the two hands anyhow, a common trick they performed if you need clarification.

Also high test.

Fuck I love Turkish getups

OP, I'm afraid you'll have to do research on your own, because in my experience most of the information you'll see about those old time lifters is bullshit.

Sandow for example, I remember googling his routine and hearing about how he only used light dumbbells again and again, then I downloaded his book (more of a pamphlet really) and it's obvious that his light dumbbell recommendation was made towards the general population, and he stated that healthy people that wanted more strength needed to train heavy, but needed trainers to properly supervise the workout. Which of course is a very smart advice for back in the day.

So go after the source. Most of those dudes have 1. books of their own were they explain their techniques and 2. biographies and articles about them. Just read them, and don't worry about the fear of wasting time going after possibly outdated information because when you read those books you'll realize how little we advanced since then. They tend to be pretty short too, particularly after you skip introductory information.

Here's the thing, the food was better back then and life was more about walking.
Getting a car/train (or trolley) was a treat and rare.

It's mainly the food that's better.
I mean milk diet was a thing back then and it worked. Not so much now. Like literally just milk for a few months.

user, he literally has a fucking book detailing them. You even get pretty pictures!

user, please shut up.

user, there's a difference between "get strong in two weeks!" advertisements in the back of a fucking newspaper and actual intelligent books on exercise

Also this is one of the key reasons - they did a lot of things for "practice" since most of them considered being strong their job.

Imagine if say, you exercised daily to learn to do the bent press like that picture there, well, that's all fine. You do it once. Then you're happy. They didn't. They practiced it until it was perfect.

They didn't lift to get big. They lifted to lift more.
If you read the book I linked (I assume it's the same one) then you'll note he only recommended the light dumbells for getting started with lifting - he recommended heavier and more "advanced" routines when you get better.


Speaking of that, on page 35 of Strength and How to Obtain It, Sandow includes a list of the prices, protein content and calories associated with various foods.

Also included on that page are the "Standards for day's food for labouring man at modest work": 118 grams (German data) or 125 grams (American). (The other standard is calories: respectively, 3050 and 3540.)

The modern standard is much lower, and median intakes reflect that. According to NHANES data from 2003-2004, "Protein intake averaged 56 +/- 14 g/d in young children, increased to a high of approximately 91 +/- 22 g/d in adults aged 19-30 y, and decreased to approximately 66 +/- 17 g/d in the elderly". And of course modern achieve larger skeletal sizes, so may have greater total protein needs for muscular development.