Veeky Forumslit/

Don't forget about your reading gains, faggots.

I still have it since last April. It feels like a lifetime.

a-audiobooks count right ?

Is that Einstein?

Yeah read Verkhoshansky faggot

Colonel Sanders

I've actually gotten back into the habit, feels good man.

Currently reading Musashi

>reading in the squat rack

>Reading the manga instead of watching the anime.

>watching anime adaptations that start and finish before the manga has ended

fucking pleb

Fuck man I get tired of reading sometimes, every since I started "acquiring" free books I have just been so fickle with what too read. I'm thinking of taking a break from Catch-22 and trying blood meridian

>tfw we will be re-united with our Veeky Forums bros in less than a month

You don't seem to remember that it was an April fools joke. I wouldn't be surprised if they shut down the site for a day

>shut down Veeky Forums for a day
>we finally get a taste of freedom
>the habit is broken
>we can leave

make it happen hiro

>implying it won't be the Veeky Forumsgs shoved in here with us this time

pls no

i sure hope so, I thought that's what cardio was for

> implying we wouldn't go into withdrawal and start running around the streets speed screeching and calling people manlets and soyboys

that photo gets me everytime

Umm no sweetie

i used to do cardio braindead until I started listening to audiobooks and podcasts.

But I cannot pay attention to those while lifting.

>i used to do cardio braindead

is that a form of meditation though?

I wish, lol, but I don't think so.

I just looked through the window, there was not much to see. Sometimes some hottie walked around the treadmill, sometimes the beep signaling the end of the exercise to take me off the void.

lol okay yeah, you're probably better off with audiobooks then.

plus, you can still look at the hottie's ass either way