Opinions on this machine?

Opinions on this machine?
I'm currently using it to work my way up to unassisted pull ups.

Not good.

Just do negatives on real pullups.

If you can't do an unassisted pull-up you should just give up and become a trap.


scooby1961 has better way to work up to pullup on yt.
protip: the more weight you lose, the less you have to lift

I'm 6'0" 145 lbs skelly bro

then lift naked

As long as you're consistent with reps, form, and lowering the assistance it'll work. Might take you a few months to a year depending on level of assistance though; my buddy took forever to start doing unassisted

Trash machine, I hate it. Just do regular pull ups and keep at it everyday.


Assisted pullups dont use many of the muscles required to perform a standard pullup.

Youre just better off doing sets of 1 rep, or 0.5 reps, or negatives, on real pullup bar. As you'll actually be training all those little muscles

Please explain how that makes any sense at all.

Couldn't even do one unassisted three months ago, can now do six after working my way up with that machine.

This guy never could do a singel bodyweight pullup

Used the pussypad to get to unassisted pullups. Just don't be a babbi about it and actually try to progress and push yourself.

I went from 5 seconds dead hang to pull ups in a few months at 120kg, just hang a lot and keep pulling while following good form.

Just do negatives and drop very slowly and go all the way to a dead hang.

Seriously, its not hard. That and wide bar pulldowns will blow your lats up.

It's fine as long as you use it correctly. i.e. with the minimum amount of assistance you need to complete 3x(3-6) with proper form. Drop the assistance until you can do full sets of BW pullups. Congrats, you're done.
If you ever do hypertrophy training, it's also great for getting some extra fatigue in when you're too exhausted to do actual BW pullups.

Keep in mind that it does feel a lot different from proper pullups though, at least I noticed that I was using my arms a lot more than I would on BW pullups.

Who the hell are you faggots?
OP I've been lifting the 15 years so if you're gonna trust someone ITT you ahould trust me.
Absolutely nothing wrong with the assisted pull-up machine

Is this even remotely achievable natty bros?

worked my way up with this thing, best thing about pull ups is that you progress 2x faster when you're losing weight. It's a good way to train yourself 8/10
t. ex fattie

Are you retarded?

I use it to do squats since my gym doesn't have a squat rack

Much better than using bands

When I switched from this machinr to band assisted I moved from 0 chin ups to doing 3x5 uassisted smoothly in about 2 months. I lost 10 kgs in that time as well though.

Don't use the assistance, just hold your self there as long as possible. Don't forget to breathe. Eventually you will be able to do 1 then hold your self longer then do more and more!!

It's fucking shit.

do negative pullups and inverted rows instead. if you do this and aren't obese you'll be able to do pullups in a month max.

Maybe, but if I recall correctly he admitted somewhere that he takes protein powder and creatine.

Lol that's wack bro

Ignore anyone saying this is a bad machine for doing pull ups. I would say to still take some of their advice though as it's still good. As in, if I wanted to learn pull ups for the first time, I would do a lot of different things. I would start by doing negatives and really squeezing on the way down. Then I would do some assisted pull ups, some more negatives and assisted after that. So that's 2 sets there. Then I would do some scapula pull ups (athlean x has a great video on these, much better than just doing dead hangs) followed by assisted pull ups, then do some more scapula pull ups and assisted pull ups. So 8 sets overall I guess, 4 if you superset the assisted pull ups with the non assisted stuff. Sorry I wrote this really badly, just woke up

>4pl8 deadlifts are too heavy so I'll just get two dudes on every end of the bar who can lift it with me

No it's like not being able to do a 4pl8 deadlift so you slowly build up the weight to that

the machine is shit, doesnt teach you to use your core to help

biggest piece of shit ever. I have personally talked dozens of people down from it to do negatives instead and they all say, "WOW! I've been trying to do chin ups and dips for years and have been stuck on this thing, low and behold two weeks later I can do 'em after negatives".

Negatives. Fuck the machines.


It's a great tool for building up to unassisted pullups. I used this machine for two months or so and I progressed really fast. Down the weight each time you use it and force yourself to do one more pull up than last time.
My current working set is 3x8 with 15 kg added. Started with that machine

Prefer bands to assist in chin ups, makes me feel like I'm holding a weapon in between sets.

Why do I feel like I'm only pulling with my arms when I do pullups?
I can do about 13-14 "real" pullups, but it's like I'm only working my arms, I literally don't feel my back in action.

I can do 1 but I’m still losing weight at 250 fat.

Try to reach the bar with your nips and squeeze for a second before coming down

If you can't do full chin-ups yet use bands as they allow you practice the movement the way it would be performed naturally rather than using the machine which changes the movement and requires next to no stabilizers.

(((Stabilizers))) don't bring anything aesthetic-wise.

You can try some different variations. Maybe slow and controlled sternum pullups?

Aside from that, it's pretty common that some people don't feel certain muscles on certain exercises. But that doesn't necessarily mean (but it can) that the muscles aren't working. Example, I don't feel anything in my legs when squatting, but they still get ridiculously sore when I come back from a break. Same with bench and chest.

I use the assisted machine after I can't do anymore regular pullups,

>regular pull ups
>chin ups
>assisted pull ups
>lat pull down
Huge back gains.

With hard word and dedication, yes.

Yeah, with rubber bands which are connected to the ceiling....

Love it. I used it to work up to 10+ bodyweight pull ups. It's a more precise way of progressively overloading the lift than elastic bands and allows you to work through the full ROM, instead of half like negatives.

>I repeat things I read on Veeky Forums without thinking