Best ways to get a 6 pack without any tools? Guessing sit ups ect would be best?

Best ways to get a 6 pack without any tools? Guessing sit ups ect would be best?

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she has nice nips desu

How can a question be bait?

Nice trap

Cute boy.

diligently cut


Who is s(he)?

Trap or not I would destroy it in a heartbeat if it moans like a woman.

Also OP, planks and leg lifts. If you have a home you can do the leg lifts on a beam.
Normal sit ups fuck up your lower back if you're not careful. There is a variation of it though that helps preserve your lumbar spine.

Basically you lay down like a sit up, knees up, etc. Lay your forearms across one another around your waist, then do a crunch and touch your forearm to your thighs. And do about 20 more than you normally would do for a regular sit up. (Less ROM. )

Not a clue, she's just in my trap folder

How long would i do planks for?

Lol thats definitely a real grill. Yall cant tell the difference anymore can you?

It aint a real grill my dude, sorry to disappoint x

Bailey something


That's a pretty convincing trap. The shoulders and face still give it away though.

cross your eyes to see your first naked 3d girl. or trap.

Dont forget to train your back it is par of your core too. Do compound movments like deadlifts and only use your back

Alright fags, I'm tired of this conversation every time someone posts a pic of a girl here. If she's green she's a girl, if she's red she's a boy.

so which is it faggot?


>posting topless men is against blueboard rules

Read the sticky fuckhead

Maybe it wouldn't be a problem for your neet ass but my boss would automatically assume that's a topless woman

>letting your boss see you browse the internet at work
hahaha you don't have a job faggot

>what is using your phone and having your boss sneak up behind you
Shouldn't you be sucking your mom's cock or something?

>>letting your boss see you browse the internet at work
lmao you don't have a job

What would I have to gain for lying on a kazakh yurt weaving board?


whats its name?

filters, screen settings, get out of here with that color theory

crunches, dragon flag variants, planks, etc

also IF and cardio if you're at

>What would I have to gain for lying on a kazakh yurt weaving board?
Everything, A sociopath like you only cares about himself.
I'm gonna bash your face in loser.

come at me bro I'll fucking shred your asshole up

As long as you can and then longer next time

>come at me bro I'll fucking shred your asshole up
You won't do anything cuck. You are a loser and a weak faggot.
I'm going to stomp oom your head until i see white. You are a fucking shitstain.

Those are perfect sized tits, cant go much bigger IMO.

Big tits are gross IMO

Just explain to him that you were on a board that discusses cross dressing men and that since the penis is feminine it’s not gay

I'll make your little bitch mouth drip with my sweet hot cum you fucking faggot.

that's a guy, right?

>thats definitely a real grill
sure buddy

>I'll make your little bitch mouth drip with my sweet hot cum you fucking faggot.
Sure you will wimp. You can't even satisfy your girlfriend you disgusting shitbag.
You are a useless loser with no future.

I can feel that you want me to take a shit on your deformed face. It's okay man, you don't have to be ashamed of yourself. I'll make you into the fine little bitch you are deep inside.

Dude shut up or i'll shut you up,final.
Go back to bed you neet loser before i come and bash your ugly mutant face into the ground.


This is the case of the schroddinger's faggot
Its both a girl and a boy until someone posts some nudes.
So everyone get to work and FIND ME THE DAMN SOURCE

I love this board

So Jay likes trannys?

so is it safe to fap to or not

he is the MEAT WULF

Juicy Shaq Meat?


not her

No way! Is that why this hasn't been taken down yet?? I might gay.

Nah bro traps that look super feminine and sexy like that are 1 in a million. Most are disgusting and have manly looking shoulders and hips. So you are just attracted to the femininity.

Ban hammer

How is this thread still up?

Also, OP pic is definitely a girl. I've seen her nudes before but didn't save.

def a girl.

faggots in their wildest dreams couldnt look like that

Look at those hands.



Sure, we all want a gf (male) if they looked like that. Fact is, only maybe 1/100 can pass for a real woman outside having a dick. Most just look gross.

I can imagine her as my gf. Goddamnit fuckin internet girls

you want your girlfriend posting pictures of her tits on the internet for everyone to see?

perfect body for a wife

go full slav

>Three Brown University students participated

I think it may need further research

>this thread is still up over 12 hours later
Mods are fucking useless lmao


how big is her dick?

She's a camgirl. I think she goes by the name leda x or sofiii on manyvids.

>thread is still here

>it's actually a girl

Tren hard anavar give up

>Nice trap

None homo here. When in doubt, ask no questions, dim the lights and only do anal.

imagine coming to Veeky Forums and screaming for the mods

Jay, and no I don't think that's her
