How are your height gains coming Veeky Forums?

How are your height gains coming Veeky Forums?

what the fuck is going on in this video?

knee replacement

I have been hoping that the top of my head and the bottoms of my feet get more muscular to boost me over 6ft... pretty sure that deadlifts are compressing my spine instead.

This is a fucking blue board.

idk im seein a lot of blue in it

removing the rod used to lengthen your legs

Well, I'm doing my height excercises and whispering "grow grow grow" awfully loud so expect to see the news of the tallest man ever in the history of ever soon.

hell no. fuck that.


holy fuck when will they learn

Would you ever be able to squat or run without your leg snapping in half after having this procedure?

I'm 5'10, the operation in my country would only cost 4000$, and I could be 6'0. Should I do it? Tired of being a manlet. I get mogged by high school kids and women everyday.

Now this is what I call surgical precision.

holy shit where do you live

Move to a land of manlets instead.

Probably not. A few people who have gotten the operation said that running at full speed is almost impossible afterwards.

jesus fuck. what the hell is that magic ray gun at the end?

on my way to russia to get it done cheaper


Stopped worrying about being a manlet. Feels good man. You’ve all toughened my skin. Thanks Veeky Forums

Med fag here. Not a knee replacement... this is what they do when a "permanent" rod was implanted that got infected and needs to be replaced.


Am 5'11"
Lived in London
Shorter than 80% of men
Noticably manlet

Movee to Madrid, 1/100 men are taller than me. People literally describe me as tall, and they regularly estimate me as 6+ ft. One manlet suggested I was 6'3"

I'm still going to get shoe lifts as I've noticed tons of 5'5"- 5'8" guys doing it here and every single woman wears heels or 4 inch platforms.

Great! I had the surgery and went from a pathetic 6' 7 to a reasonable 6' 10

So what is the best manlet country that isn’t full of mud people? Asking for a friend.

One of my aunts had a motorcycle accident two years ago and nearly lost a leg.
Now she has one leg shorter and has this surgery done 3 weeks ago.

Can still grow at 21 r-right?

>believing you need to be any taller than 5ft 6, and that if you are short then you wont succeed.


What the fuck, am I missing something? Where is the part where you become tall?


Surgery is rough as fuck. You're basically a mechanic but for a body rather than a car, its amazing the resilience humans have (surgery is far more dangerous for another animals than it is for us)

6'2 and it sucks being a manlet

Honestly im thinking about it. Which is sad. I need to leave this site.

T. 5'6"

what a disgusting comic. the worst part is seeing into the artists troubled mind.

>tfw you realise that the "manlet" chad is still drawn bigger than the girls

even in the manlet fantasy, the manlet still has to be tall

fucking kek

>manlet fantasy

Did you even look at it?

coping voluntary cripple

>tfw 6'4
>walking down the street
>see someone taller than me
>day ruined

It fucking sucks being a manlet bros...hold me