If you cannot do at least 3 sets of 5 pullups (not chin-ups), you are not Veeky Forums

If you cannot do at least 3 sets of 5 pullups (not chin-ups), you are not Veeky Forums.

Get to work.

if you cannot do at least 3 sets of 315 lb. squats. you are not Veeky Forums

I can do 5 sets of 5 weighted pull-ups so that mean I’m chadtron

Setting the bar real high eh, OP?

I can do 3x10 wide grip pullups but can only do 3x8 chinups.

that's one solid shower curtain rod

>I can do 3x10 wide grip pullups but can only do 3x8 chinups.

How can your arms be that weak

>close grip
Those are not real pullups

Wide grip or go home

Its an ok metric, but a much better indicator of fitness would be the number of pull ups to failure on first set. If you cannot do more than 15 strict pull ups you are not fit.

How in the hell

I can do 4x10 sets of large pullups with 3-2-4 tempo, 3 sec concentric 2sec pause 4 sec eccentric and still i'm not fit by Veeky Forums standart.

im not fot at all and can do literally 30 pullups inva row

Make that 3*25

I can do 15 in a row. Does that count?

Kek If you can’t do 3 sets of 5 pullups you are either fat or have literally never lifted

I am about to hit 18

How in the fucking hell is that even possible?

>tfw can only do 1 unassisted struggleup

Hungry skellington dyel reporting. I've been lifting 3x/week for a month tho, gonna kick it up to 4x next week

5'10, 200lbs
can do 5x5 pullups with 45lbs added
or 19 pullups without weight

am i gonna make it Veeky Forums?

You'd be amazed, a huge majority of normies can't do a single one

>3 sets of 5 pullups
Setting the bar extremely low

close grip hit lats

Longer ROM

just like close grip bench works primarily chest, right?

5'9 127lbs and I can do 3x10 very slow and controlled pull ups. The pullup/dipstation I use is too small for my to do wide grip pull ups, am I missing out or are normal grip fine? What do you guys think about going chin over bar or chest to bar. Which one is better?

Hiya friends, I started lifting recently and have hit 5 pullups for 1 set (was 0 when I started 3 months ago).

However on a second set I have a hard time grinding out 4 and on the last set can only consistently get 3.

Is this normal and should I be doing something differently (3 min rest, 70kg bw)

200lbs at 5'10 that's a chunky lad

thats completely normal

pullups are a hard exercise...think about it. you are literally hoisting up most of your body weight....

at that low of reps, you are mainly training your back strength. once you are able to do like, 20, or so, easily, then add enough weight to where you can barely do like 10, then continue with that weight until you can do around 20 again. rinse and repeat with more weight..strength+hypertrophy. best of both worlds

although, you should be doing that with all other lifts anyways. but in case you werent...there ya go

50kg 1rm chinup here.

shoo shoo skeltal

I just hit 3x5 pullups guys!

im at 2/3/4/5, so its pretty proportionate i'd say

I'm at 4 sets of 7 pullups and 11in a row
My goal is to be able to do like 20 in a row. I feel like I've hit a plateau, my sit ups, running and pushups consistently improve, except pullups.
What can I do?

Why are pull ups harder than chin ups

I don't even own one of these. I can only do shrugs.

that's because normies are fat and disgusting

>3 sets of five pullups
I can do 17 in a row and I haven't even lifted in over 2 years. That's a low bar you got there. Fuck, I bet a bunch of twinks on /lgbt/ can do that.

Chin ups use your biceps and a lot of other muscles along with your lats and back muscles
Pull ups are basically just your lats and some minor back muscles


If you can do pullups on the shower curtain pole without breaking it, then you're too light for them to count.

10 dead hang pullups
10 dead hang chin ups

if you can't do them, you're weak

eat a fuckton along with pullups until you can do more and more. Persistence is what builds them lats

>If you cannot do at least 3 sets of 5 reverse muscle-ups, you are not Veeky Forums

Yea I'm going ham on the assisted pullup machine for now at the end of my workouts

What? You're really overstating the differences. Chin-ups have quite a bit larger activation in the biceps and the pectoralis major, and the pullups have a bit more activation in the lower traps. They otherwise work the same muscles in equal amounts and altogether both use the same muscle groups.