Normies try to explain lifting

When normies (twink) try to explain lifting.

Please help

If he's a twink, he's not even wrong about eating a lot. Also enjoy your noob gainz while they last

>fat is than burned off into muscle

fat turns into mussel

Pt 2, not the best to explain things..

it's weird how you lost ground in an argument to someone who's wrong. How you do lose and be right at the same time OP? I can't understand this cuckery

Why do you associate with such brainlet normies?

This. OP get non retard friends

>deadlift 275
>Yea.... you need work...
>Shouldnt take 9 months
this guy sounds like a smug cunt, why are you talking to him

Reply with the brainlet.jpg and just tell him hes a retard

Can we get some background on this friend of yours, or maybe a body pic? I'm quite curious what kind of person can be this stupid.

He’s my friend, good otherwise just not the brightest man
I just don’t like being too much of an ass.

Final part

please stop, i can't take this much stupidity
was this guy in the special classes in high school?

Typical pothead, can’t keep a job but we’ve been friends for 7 years, we took different paths as I have been working in uni. I don’t have a body pic but I do have a face pic of him when he had some sort of allergic reaction, let me see if I can find it

>I can max 102 pushups
Maybe if he does them like this

God I don’t know, he’s been one of my good friends for a while, he has a bit of a superiority complex. Also I’m happy that you saw the 275 deadlift, hope that isn’t too terrible

Depends on your body weight, but everybody starts somewhere. What's important is that it improves.

>none of those gmo crap
I bet he doest even know what food has GMOs in it.

>you can gain muscle w/o gaining fat
ur just as stupid as your retarded friend

> run to the gym and back
>eating fats are bad
Why are you such a brainlet is a better question.

tell him to eat shit Johnny

>that fat is then burnned off into muscle
Holy shit...was this (((His))) endgame all along?

>tfw will never burn fat into muscle
Why even live

Post his body and post your body

>32 unread messages

I mean he's not wrong about consuming carbs.

Good job user, you are officially a licensed retard

Only could find a face pic, if you really care

>men texting men
Is there anything more pathetic

next time close your eyes when your bf is cumming so it doesn't get in your eye. could get infected bro.

Never said fats are bad and the gym is a mile and a half away from my house, I think 3 miles 4 times a week is ok

super punchable face also he's fucking retarded OP

Tell that motherfucker to end his own suffering and shave that god-awful facial hair.

friend or aquaintance?
just smile and nod

El cerebro liso

tell him to stop takign fitness advice from janoy

>You've been visited by the face of 'All hope is lost'
Jesus user there is no way that that is actually your friend

After a few years I gave up even trying to argue with people. I look better, I lift more and if they want an entire life of "I'll look like you eventually" then that's on their stubborn head. Now I just nod and and say "that's cool" to most any fitness """""advice"""".


unique reply

>>you can gain muscle w/o gaining fat
>ur just as stupid as your retarded friend
He is right you retard.

Go find a fat guy, put him on a diet and let him lift weights.
He will gain muscle while even losing fat.

Nothing was said about bodybuilders or other types of built guys gaining ADDITIONAL musclemass without gaining fat.

this is how I fuck

You have to eat carbs tho


>Depends on your body weight
Is 295 okay when I weigh 137 lbs.
I'll start lean bulking soon I swear senpai


>not knowing what GMO stabds for let alone are

Genetically Modified Organism. Bet he thinks carrots and modern dairy cows aren't genetically modified either. Fucking plebs

I'll argue that this is actually very good form.

For fucking

He’s kinda right here desu

>>fat is than burned off into muscle
That fucker never heard of lean bulk.


>mental strength

We get it, your butt-buddy decided to dump you. But that doesn't mean you could post his pic online so members of this cambodian coconut leaf weaving forum could mock him to stroke your emasculated ego.

My IQ just dropped from reading this. Normies are fucking cancer


>None of that GMO crap
The jews has poisoned their minds

You seem just as unable to counteract any of his "arguments" as he is to convince you

holy shit

Ha ha damn

Same here. Get my arm and dick work in. Two birds one stone

This is what most Crossfitters Tm look like

soon, we will gaze upon the sun

Noobs can build muscle and lose fat