What is the main reason people fail to achieve their gym goals?

What is the main reason people fail to achieve their gym goals?

rack of disciprine

Shit died and not actually lifting

I know people who have been hitting the gym for two years or more, maybe 3-4 times a week, and their gains ARE FUCKING SHIT

How the fuck is that even posible?


70% of the work is diet. 30% is lifting

People don't lift enough
You should spend 1h30 in the gym, 5x a week

could you give an example on consistency?

no progressive overload
not training hard enough
retarded exercise selection and programming
really bad form

Getting big and strong requires 3 damn things.
>a good program that will allow you to progress with a steady rate and has a good amount of volume and intensity
>adequate time of quality sleep



>the holy trinity of gains

It's literally that easy. People like to overthink everything. They will make threads to ask if an exercise is good or if they should eat whole wheat bread.
In the bigger picture, these things won't matter.

misinformation and bro science

They’re not eating enough

Because of pic related

I was doing quite well. 2 years of consisteb lifting and then I got shingles a year ago. Was left with pain and it even came back once after I stressed my body too much. It's been a year now and my gains have gone down the fucking drain. Recently the pain has started to subside and I might be ready for gym again in a month or two, but mental pain isn't going away. It's like starting all over again.

This sucks ass.

Not to mention the rash left pretty ugly looking scars on my chest, back and stomach.

not making measurable goals and instead beeing non-commital like "i just want to lose weight" or "bigger arms"

>Been hitting the gym for THREE FUCKING YEARS
>No significant gains
>Gain like 11 lbs of muscle(and fat) only

I feel like a fucking joke

It's probably your program/how well you're implementing it. Do you follow the same schedule week to week of lifting? Are you eating enough and sleeping enough? Would your lifts be considered shit for having been to the gym for only a year? You gotta be fucking up and also how have you taken 3 years to figure this out without solving it?

Start juicing


1. They're lying to you about how often they go the gym. They might be going less than twice a week.
2. They don't track their diet, thus not getting the right amount of macros in (Most likely on a 40g protein diet a day).
3. Highly stressed
4. Not enough sleep.
5. Routine is absolutely abysmal. With no compound exercises and lots of meme exercises that their PT taught them.

some people are just retarded and never look up how to train effectively, how much they need to eat, etc
more like most people actually
if it's not that then they don't show up consistently

they do SS instead of PPL, PHAT or PHUL.

People usually have no idea how to properly train for hypertrophy. They do the standard bro workout. Chest and arms with light ass rows, light shoulder work, and never do legs properly. Honest to god if your legs are weak you are fucking weak no exception. Also no one does core work, neck work, or has traps. I'm one of the only people at the gym with traps. Fucking pathetic and I have only been lifting for 1.5 years from literal skelly mode. I used to think these faggots were big but I mogged them in less than a year.

Can attest to this stress.

>with ex gf.
>fights constantly and weekly arguements that sent my stress sky high and made me not want to come home or even lift

>without ex
>holy fuck my gains, bitches left and right.

This is all what it comes down to. Lift/Eat/Rest

Militaryfag here; we have multiple gyms on every base I have been stationed at, cheap food and FREE food in abundance (especially canned tuna, chicken breasts, beef, etc), and a bazillion muthafuckers who all *claim* to want to "get swole" but never make any gainz.

Exercise: Keep it consistent. I love to chuckle at the people who talk about working out all the time buy never get any bigger. I deployed with almost 200 people last year and for six months that is all they talked about nonstop. Only ONE person made any gains, because he hit the gym EVERY DAY and cleaned his plate at every meal. Chugging Monsters and playing Overwatch gets you nowhere. I lost 19 lbs while retaining muscle mass because I personally made the running track my bitch. I know a lot of people who lift occasionally, or lift for a week straight once a month, then quit. It gets you nowhere. Make it a daily ritual.

Diet: I suppose things may be different in my case, as Iou an buy protein powder and supplements multiple places on base, often commissaries will have rotisserie chickens fully cooked and ready to eat on hand for cheap ($6 at my current base). For you civvies, meal prep: buy chicken, rice, eggs, canned tuna, and make that shit work. It is cheap if you prep it yourself. There is no reason to eat poorly or neglect protein intake.

Rest: Schedule sleep. You schedule work and classes and a gym routine; schedule rest. I make sure to get 7 hours minimum, with 8-9 being optimal. Don't stay up all night jerking off online or playing vidya.

All of you gave good advice. This thread is awesome so far.

The gym is fucking boring. I play tennis, run, go backpacking and do rock climbing instead.

Wanna know how I know you're skinnyfat?

80/20 rule

A lot of new lifters will put focus on the 20% like how many hours after lifting is optimal to drink a protein shake and forget about the important stuff.

I probably am by Veeky Forums standards. However, it’s a lot more fun than robotically going to the gym and depriving yourself of anything fun. Cheers, buddy.

>if you spend a maximum of 8 hours a week in a gymnasium you are boring

Pretty much. Go outside.


relationships and acquiring more hours at work

In my defense, whoever drew this clearly doesn’t do things like play tennis or go running.

Tennis and running alone don't make you jacked.
What do all of those mean?

>I'm one of the only people at the gym with traps.


I don’t give a shit about being jacked. I just do physical activity that I enjoy. I can’t stand being inside a gym.

Then go jog at the park and play squash with your faggotty friends.

better than watching dicks in the locker room

I'm sort of in a similar boat because I'm slightly fat but don't know how to increase lifts while cutting. So been cutting for like 3 months, no gains, and because I have no discipline, my diet is all over the place ergo absolutely no gains whatsoever

nothing's better than watching dicks in the locker room


People have covered diet/programming here. But theres a 3rd component, perhaps more important than the rest.


There are jacked guys walking around who do pushups and sit ups. Or dont workout at all.

There are skinnyfat guys who can follow a program to the T and diet their ass off and never look as good.

The biggest influencer of your body isnt "muh hard work amd diet" ITS GENETICS: ITS TEST, ITS BONE STRUCTURE AND MUSCLE INSERTIONS


Time and the fact they will prioritize something else;
pain, let's be honest, in this world 99% of all the people have never performed a sport or physical activity on a regular base, if you expect them to try in their adulthood or past their teenage years, and succeed, your are wrong. They will suffer and they will not be wise\experienced enough to know that their body will adapt.