
Got some valium for sleep/anti-anxiety. Will this affect my gains in any way? I'm worried about it making me slow and taking the intensity out of my workouts.

not unless you take it recreationally

recreationally or not it's still the same drug

Dont take it everyday and you will be fine. Work to cut it down untill you hardly take it. Im not sure on valium but zopiclone can affect muscle tone or something like that, which is a benzo too

>Took zopiclone and diazepam tons and didnt effect me physically at all

Benzo's are magic but don't get addicted my dude. Literally worse than heroin addiction. Was addicted to xanax myself

Also if if youve been prescribed 10mg you will feel zonked out first couple times, I took up to 15 and was functioning fine though after I took a smaller dose for a bit

Don't do it man. It'll make you dye your hair pink, get a billion shitty tats and upload inaudible mumbo-jumbo on Soundcloud about how your mom never loved you and how you dad loved you too much.

I've got zopiclone too I'm planning on taking 1 valium and 1 zopiclone per week

just had 5mg half an hour ago don't feel anything yet

Best use it only once every three days to avoid building up a tolerance or dependancy. Dependancy and especially tolerance build up FAST with benzos.
It also affects sleep. Yes you'll asleep faster and stay asleep longer but your sleep will be of lesser quality.

Diazepam is a powerful skeletal muscle relaxant with a very long half-life. If I keep it under 4mg every once in a while for sleep or anxiety It's ok and the effects are subtle. Any higher a dose or more frequent than once every 3-4 days makes me too weak and apathetic for my liking. I took 10mg once to see what it was like and was too weak to lift for 2 days afterward. Keep benzos to as low a dose as possible only when you need it. They are a fantastic tool for helping to deal with anxiety and insomnia, but use them only when you need to and work towards dealing with the root of what is causing you to need them.

Phenibut is way better for anxiety IMO as it doesn't turn me into a zombie with ataxia, but carries similar risks as benzos if abused (GABA agonist)

hell ye boi get fucked up to get muscled up

>being such a beta that you need to feel drunk just to function

Those pills are the same as being drunk which is pathetic as you need to take an instant drunk pill to live lmfao

I put 50 pounds on my squat while taking etizolam everyday over a three month period.

I'm using trenE extremely low at 200mg. Still messes with my sleep the day of the morning inj. Usually take twice a week on those days only.

Would not recommend using it anymore than absolutely necessary. I have a part time job and a full time science degree to finish. Sleep is my number 1 to retaining the majority of the information I pour onto my mind during the day.

So yeah, use the minimum dosage and duration absolutely necessary.

I recently tapered off of benzos after ten years of using them for insomnia. I never abused it. It didn't affect my gains but it's not a long term solution and the process of quitting sucks. You have to gradually taper off and there's withdrawal. You can't quit cold turkey because you may give yourself a seizure.

Avoid them if you can. Don't even start.

Forgot to mention.
You may ask yourself why you can't use them forever. It's because they'll make you stupid. I started to notice.

Still not sure what the word is on if REM sleep is necessary for bodies to recover fully and how Drugs such as benzos, weed, or sleeping pills affect that.

my sister is a psychiatric nurse, and according to her benzos are on their way out in a big way. It's just too addicting and causes waaaaaay too many problems.

take opioid my man, at least it's pleasurable

I wish something worked as well.

holy shit this is news? they're pretty the stupidest drug ever invented

anybody who percribes a benzo for sleep needs to have their license and prescriptin pad taken away permenently


I'm a docfag and have never once seen a patient that really "turned their life" around on benzodiazepines. The ones that take it for anxiety are the most anxious motherfuckers ever because it turns their life into a rollercoaster of addiction. Only old docs who were educated 20+ years ago prescribe them. Do NOT take these OP.

>doctor knows im an alcohol
>gives me a script for 50 0.5mg klonopins
>still have some after a year and a half bc afraid of benzo addiction, also they don't seem to do a whole lot even taking 3mg worth

Yeah. Throw the bottle away, user.

Hey premed fag.

Please enlighten me. I'm using 5mg-10 mg twice per week at night time only.

Can you suggest any alternatives for better rest/sleep. Limiting factor in my brain to retaining information is sleep.

When I do my injections in the AM, the same night it is harder to wind down and sleep. The following day my brain feels like a zombie.

I will be swapping the trenE out for deca in 2-3 weeks time. Hoping that will alleviate my qualms.

I'm currently on 200testE 200trenE, switch will be to 100-200 test and 200-400 deca.

Cheers medfag.

valium is amazing. I guess I must be genetically predisposed to addiction to it because I took 10mg like 5 days for a case of TMJ several years ago and to this day I have cravings/fiendings for more to the point that I feel like faking my TMJ to get more. shit is absurdly addictive but really feels like heaven on earth.

op here slept for 7 hours last night, most sleep I've had in weeks. took 5mg valium before bed then woke up during the night and took another 5mg got 7 hours in total

Enjoy your hellish withdrawal

Nice man, it really helps. Remember to do a week once in a while without them. Also, set a max dose that you'll never go beyond (not too low, not too high).

It makes picking up women easier, too, but remember: ONLY drink beer if you've popped a pill earlier, and not too many.

It won't affect your gains at all

Benzo withdrawal is the worst thing anyone has to go through so if you need them only take them very sparingly. I used diazepam for a few months and it did make me feel a bit tired at the start but after a while of use my anxiety was so bad I could take 10mg and not feel tired at all.

I never understood this whole "dude benzos lmao" bullshit, acting like Xanax gets you high as a kite or whatever. All they do is calm you down in a unique way compared to other non-GABA depressants. I was prescribed hydroxyzine as a test run for a few months and then I got put onto Ativan (lorazepam) due to my inherited anxiety disorder. With the hydrox the nervous feeling that would come up in waves dissipated quickly and after a couple of hours it'd tranquilize me. Lorazepam makes it so you're completely relaxed and your mind slows down with you. I can understand how someone could get addicted but it's way overrated.

Benzo withdrawal made my life pure hell, i was prescribed an absurdly high dose for three months by some random doc because i wanted to stop drinking, i had no idea what i was getting into.

Had a month of fever, sweats, vomiting, paralyzing migraines, cramps, insomnia and depression. I still feel like i got ran over by a truck.

Seriously stay the fuck away from this shit.

Can a strong will prevent addiction? Do you think i can survive?

Be VERY careful if you drink on it or you run the risk of ruining your diet with low quality prison food

Honestly the stuff will remove your inhibition to the point you feel like driving trashed, spending your whole paycheck on drugs and fighting the cops are good ideas

It's non euphoric with hellish withdrawal consequence, raises cancer risk and long term cognitive impairment
If you want to be anxiety free then just drink, alcohol is a quite stupid drug but nothing is worse than benzo, totally bot worth it
Get an oxy instead, at least it's euphoric

No, its just youre americans and retarded. You prescribe drugs like it was candy.
Benzos are the god's gift to earth. There is literally nothing else that stops sudden panic attacks. When you can barely breath, you heart is about to blow up, you're about to vomit and you take one and it goes away in 3 minutes. its a fucking miracle man. it's not even addictive physically compared to other drugs. the withdrawl is shit but its really hard to actually get addicted.
I remember when I anxious and I couldn't go into a fucking shop. Benzos saved my life.
They were never meant to prescribed for everyone. They were never meant to be taken for more than 30 days continuously. They were never meant to be prescribed for people who are slightly anxious.
its your fault, not the drug's

>raises cancer risk and long term cognitive impairment
source on this?

Benzos imo are way more fun than opioids

Opioids is nausea and drooling into a pillow
Benzos let the monkey off the leash to go do all the things you were too scared of prison to do

The issue is they remove your inbuilt limitors

Like ever have someone jump in front of you in a queue and you want to stab him to death like who the fuck does he think he is? Then you go hang on I'd go to jail for that and it's not worth it?

Benzos remove that little voice so you just don't care what will happen
On benzos i've woken up countless times with serious injuries and half memories of doing stupid shit is never do even if i was blackout drunk

An example: on etizolam I once got to wondering how many recipes I knew and woke up to a fridge full of meals with a bite taken out of each one and a tally chart I'd carved into my arm to keep track because I couldn't find a pen

Dude literally google it, both first results
"Benzo cancer ncbi" "benzo long term cognotive"
The cancer study is from taiwan if i remember correctly, they're prescribed as sleeping pill there, fucking psychos

I've got prescribed Xanax to treat sleep apnea and anxiety. I have taken maybe 5 in total in the past 3 months. Stil suffer from anxiety and lack of sleep but I dont want to be a zombie.

It will definitely help you aim your sniper shots though. Fuck sniper wolf.

a beta blocker can do the same thing if not better

Your entire post only ever happens when you take it recreationally in ridiculous doses. Taking a regular dose (2 or 5 or 10 mg) and you just relax and get tired. I've been on them for years and never had that kind of bullshit happen. I used to take klonopin and xanax daily but now only carry a bottle of valium around for emergencies. It's rare for me to take one more than once a month.

Just don't be a retard or degenerate about it. Use it only when you absolutely need it.

>Will this affect my gains in any way?
I would be more worried about the dependence that strikes you after being on them for 14 or so days.

fucks up your sleep. u go into coma but wake up not rested, disrupts REM I bet. so. yeah it will affect ur gains