How do I get wider shoulders?

How do I get wider shoulders?

Going for ottermode btw

Bigger pecs shoulders and I'm there? I feel like my BF% is low enough

Fix your complete shit posture first and foremost


dislocate your shoulders and break both collar bones, have your orthopedic add more bone to your shoulders. Failing that, be born again with wider shoulders, take up swimming.

hit chest/shoulders/arms harder in the gym???? eat more????

Pull ups, my dude. Alot of pull ups

Cable flys and lateral raises x F

You need to bulk and grow some lats and delts. Arms look too small too.

You have a wide torso would you're going to need to gain a decent amount of weight to offset. Focus on lats, delts, upper traps in that order to fill out a bit more.

These and eat more.

I eat alot I don't wanna be fat. Also im a poor college fag so my diet isn't great in the first place.

Respawn and redo your shoulder width during character selection.
Also wtf is wrong with your posture, your chest is shit even with your efforts to make it look better.

Then you don't want it bad enough.

Wtf dude do you roid, that looks like early stage roid gut.
Also post height/weight

I think it is just bad posture.

Wait 20 years for the cybernetic industry to take off.

What do you eat? I'm a college fag and I agree it is fucking hard man. I'm cutting and pretty much all I can afford is chicken and broccoli.

>chicken and broccoli.
What more do you need?

train other body parts instead of just abs

This. Your pecs, delts, and lats all need some love desu.

I used to be fat there is some extra skin/fat on my belly

What all do you do for your core, OP? It's odd that it's as developed as it is while everything else seems so lacking.

I do I've been lifting for about a year.

Bench 165
Squat 275
Deadlift 315


It isn't a very balanced diet. Fruits and healthy fats are good on a cut, but nuts are expensive. And fruit is fucking expensive too.

>165 bench
My man, I am 6'0" 165lbs have been lifting for about 4 months and bench 200lbs. You're not doing enough chest. Nowhere near enough, it sounds like.

Double your rowing with many more variations. Lots of rear delt work. And most importantly, have better posture.

It's almost as if you have different genetics

Top kek man, you said you've been lifting a whole year? Quit making excuses, your chest should be stronger than that. You probably have a bad routine.

you can't; its bone

your genetics are shit, im starting to believe in the FRAME meme. I've seen wide dyels who look better than you

In what way should posture be improved exactly?

Lol man you've been lifting for 4 months, you barely know anything, also I'm a different user

>how do i get bigger shoulders
HMMMMMMMMMM if only there was something you could do to GROW MUSCLE.

train shoulder

By training every part of your muscles

Learn how to cook. I'm a poor college fag too and I cook healthy recipes my myself and save money. It's not hard there are tutorials on youtube how to do it.

>Bulking on chicken and broccoli

I started off benching 135, so I've already made more progress than your punk ass.

yfw this is the natty limit

onision ? is that you?

Middle shoulders will be best for widening the look. However the balance between anterior and posterior deltoids will be important for aesthetics.
I recommend starting with overhead press focused heavily on middle shoulders. Stress their contraction.
Then move onto isolation shoulder raises with middle, anterior, and posterior deltoids.

>No oph

Literally OHP and pull-ups. A shit ton.
Also, swimming. Why do swimmers typically have broad shoulders? Because of their genetic predisposition? Yes. Because swimming hits shoulders and back to a large extent? Also yes. It's not either-or, it's both. It's the same with any sport. Why do cyclists typically have large calves? Genetic predisposition? Yes. Because cycling hits calves hard? Also yes. If you want to develop the particular "look" different athletes have, look at what they do. You may not have their genetic predisposition, but you can certainly train in a similar manner. And while you may never look as good as someone with both the genetics and the training, doing the training can get still get you good results.