WRONG PICTURE. THIS IS WHAT I MEANT I LOOK LIKE: I was unable to attach that video in WEBM form, so I just posted a link to its streamable instead.
Ryan Evans
Brosef. A frowny face, lifting for women, reddit spacing and complaining. You don't seem like someone who should be taken seriously exclusively from that. You do with life what you can, you were dealt a worse hand than many but it's not like anyone doesn't take Demetrious Johnson seriously as a fighter or James Madison seriously as a founding father because of that. You're not going to become like them, I can almost be sure of that from your post. But you can learn and become a self made person.
Uh nobody takes James Madison seriously, retard. u have no idea what ur talking about
Robert Rodriguez
yeah, okay bro. Wallow in your own hedonistic nihilism then.
Josiah Jones
>i'm 5'3 and look EXTREMELY similar in frame to pic related i'm assuming you're talking about the woman in the picture >Can I still attract women if I start lifting? lesbians, yes >Nobody ever takes my opinions seriously or listens to what I have to say. many people do not take tiny women seriously
Ryder Richardson
you are smaller thank my 10 year old brother LMAOOOOOOO
Cameron Thompson
5;3. Duh
David Moore
My 10 year old brother is like 4'7" is he gonna be a manlet?
Aiden Ward
I would never date you even if you did look like that. I'm a 5'3" female, who struggled dating a 5' 8" male. Good luck, I hope you find a short Asian girl.
Ethan Richardson
it's in your nature to try to compensate for your own shit genetics. you're not to blame
Leonardo DiCaprio bangs supermodels with a scraggly beard, wearing oversized t shirts and a dad bod. If you tried to get even an average 5 girl using the same look, you'd be laughed out of any bar.
Jonathan Stewart
>Get agile, fast and strong >learn martial art >Find qt equally short or shorter, preferably same race and hair color >Create Veeky Forums munchkin race You can do it OP I believe in you!
>Everyone everywhere treats me like a kid for no fault of my own >no fault of my own >uses fucking smileys like a teenager >no fault of my own get the fuck out manlet
Jackson Gomez
Where do all the short guys come from on this board? Are you all Mexican and Asian?
Isaac Roberts
Probably. Make him take some sun and do sports. My father is 5'7 and my mom 5'1, I didn't wanted to become a manlet too so I did some readings while I was 13, started swimming and taking regular sun, I'm 6'1 now with 18.