Onion Pill

Who else here gone full /onion/?

I'm on my fourth onion of the day. Keeping these badboys down is rough but the pay off is worth it.

Attached: 815kv1Ns16L._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 14K)

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Don't eat too many onions or garlic gloves, the allicin is toxic in nature. Injecting pure garlic or onion juice into your bloodstream will 100% kill you. That's why Italian soldiers used to rub garlic onto their bullets. Eat two raw onions max, make a salad or eat them to cooked meat. Onions won't increase your testosterone as much as increasing the amount of red meat and eggs in your diet, but it's good to get rid of bitchtits.

>That's why Italian soldiers used to rub garlic onto their bullets
And lost to Ethiopians lmao
Btw onions are a meme.

You're like an old wife.

>muh science

On my 4th onion and I feel like a god.

>eating the wrong onion

Attached: red onion.jpg (500x375, 80K)

Those cause liver cancer

a person who tells lies.

>imagine being so low-test that you have to literally eat multiple onions a day
>imagine being so low-test AND being THIS much of a fairy to not just go full-on celltech instead
That said, I sautee one onion, a knob of ginger, and 3-4 cloves of ginger and cook 50g of oatmeal in it with 150g of water.

Didn't onionbrah try other stuff? What happened?

I eat the onion. I become the onion.
As I consume more onions an overwhelming odor fills the room.
I walk outside, strength filling up, nearly tearing my own skin as my muscles bulge from the increased testosterone. Women smell my scent and run towards me from all directions. I don’t care.
I Want More Onions.
I begin to float and then at a super sonic speed blast off from the planet to the nearest grocery store.
They smell me coming, they know it. The clerks tremble and have my onions bagged and ready. I hand them $10. “Thanks” I say just before I again launch through the air smashing through the ceiling of the store.
I get back to my house, accidentally tear the door off the hinges. Onion strength. I begin to feast on onions, raw, whole.

Attached: 6C79DD91-1184-45D3-B7F0-95246ADD6B76.jpg (500x491, 38K)

It did stuff

>criticizes my attempt to control his retarded onion bingequest
>muh feelings, but you are a fag!

No I am not telling lies. You can eat too many onions and too much garlic. Limit yourself to two onions and one to two gloves of garlic a day. Higher doses of allicin are toxic and can decrease the spermcount.

Retire this meme. Fuck off (((Sommer)))


im on 3 weeks now. im more convinced that being a stubborn bastard and commiting to eating a raw onion like an apple despite the worlds protests is what makes you feel like the man.

plural noun: Jews
a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism and who trace their happiness to the exploitation and subversion of western hospitality and values.

I'm still eating onions every day user, feel great to boot

I started to chop up some raw onion adding it to my food. Don't care if it's a meme since it's the best placebo I've ever taken and I'm sticking to it.

I have been eating my onion in a plain yogurt. I usually have 1/3 or 1/4 of an onion, so roughly 1.5 onions per week. The fatty acids in the yogurt attenuate the onion, so it's really quite pleasant to eat.

been on onion a day for a pretty long time now.

Attached: onions greek olympic.jpg (1299x1000, 344K)