Sup, Veeky Forums.
I learned that most protein powder products contain soy.
How can I avoid this? I'm trying to eliminate soy products from my diet.
Sup, Veeky Forums.
I learned that most protein powder products contain soy.
How can I avoid this? I'm trying to eliminate soy products from my diet.
soy isnt bad
youve been memed
I'm not convinced.
I've stopped drinking water out of plastic bottles. I'm cutting out a lot of processed sugar. Now, I must attack soy.
lets ignore OP's retarded post, whats your favorite flavor of whey?
>double chocolate
I just got Muscle Pharm cookies n cream at Costco cause it was on discount. Any reviews? How is it, flavor and quality wise?
Soy-boy, same-fagging faggot.
>5 posts with 4 posters with a clear reply from you, OP, who is a homosexual
gee I wonder who posted twice in his retarded thread?
Fuck off, same fag.
I am never straying from ON Extreme chocolate again. Local GNC was out and I decided to try GNC Amped Cookies n Cream, and it was 20 shakes from hell. Wanted to vomit after every shake.
Have only tried double chocolate from ON, but I used to do vanilla from another brand and I liked it, might get vanilla next time
salted caramel
Soy is basically in like 75% of shit you eat. Pretty hard to avoid
Drink kool aid. It has GMOs to kill the soy.
Gnc alpha was fucking disgusting. I put in the least amount of water as possible every time so i didnt have to drink as much and my stomach would hurt after
only 550 thousand scoops of mutant mass will do
>Imagine being so dense that you avoid consuming certain ingredients with no real big negatives that you're not even allergic to, thinking it'll boost you to gigachad status because people on a Mongolian basket weaving forum said so
I've been looking for new flavors to go in my smoothies. I just got banana and it made me wretch. With water is fine, but I want my oats and kale in there too
I don't like chocolate
Buy one that doesn't include soy.
Dont trust Deep Soy State.
myprotein or ON?
get the brand Nutricost
its the only brand ive found that doesnt have soy lecithin in it
as long as plastic is in and on pretty much everything we consume, wear and use and use all day long the soy discussion is pointless imo.
Found the sub 300 test fag that skips every other day.
Your a literal retard