She left me

>she left me

god i hate being alone again

Attached: 14384130025550.png (514x524, 372K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>have never been left before
>have never been together

feels bad men

Attached: 1504477758291.jpg (500x461, 34K)

Time to lift

I'm with you brother

its that time again

Why is Liquid Ocelot with young Solid Snake?

Maybe there's a joke behind this we're not getting

I feel you. Now almost 2 months since she left.

My lifts went up though so that's great.

Attached: 1xqdna.jpg (511x340, 22K)

>About to sleep
>Think about her smile
>I was with her exactly 3 years ago from today

Attached: Lonely.gif (500x269, 296K)

>never had to leave me

Attached: 1423959240139.jpg (601x900, 79K)