At one point can you just start training at heavy compound lifts every day?

at one point can you just start training at heavy compound lifts every day?

it looks like all these really strong guys will do something like blocks of DL training for 4 days in a row

why is there such a huge difference in training methods between guys that train for competitive purposes and people that just 'want to be stronger' or look better?

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Fitness is not simply black and white. Youre supposed to eventually figure it out or interpret it on your own.

Theres sort of a rite of passage that people experience. Some people just find it fun to do compounds daily. Some people actually get better or worse results from doing this.

Theres a lot to it. Best answer is if you ask those guys yourself why they do what they do.

You're talking about people who are the 0.01% or less of all lifters. ELITE genetics, 100% focus on recovery and MANY years of training under belt.

For example in china most weightlifters just drop out of the system, because they can't handle the increasing volume. Only those who can survive it, can continue and those are the guys that will become champions.

Put a dyel fitizen to that kind of training and he will hurt himself bad

is klokov natty?

lol fuck no

You are a fucking moron.

>You are a fucking moron.
Hahaha haah ha.

If you saw my forearms and how they could crush you you would totally pussy out and whimper and beg for forgiveness. watch out dude.

How is he a moron? It's completely true. You need to learn to program for yourself and your own recovery. Testosterone helps recovery dramatically. Elite genetics means high test and efficient lifting proportions.

I don't buy this at all
Theres are fuck tons of amateur cyclists that train as hard as the pros and many of them get in the vicinity of pros just by working as hard even though their genes are not as good, the genes are what give the 1% advantage that it takes to become pro

There is this really strange discrepancy between training protocol in weight lifting between pros and amateurs that doesn't exist in other forms of athletic training

compared to other forms of training, weight lifting by amateurs incorporates way way more rest than what you see in other forms of athletic training and amount of rest between amateur and pro

We have kids who hit a 200kg front squat at the age of 14 and we have kids who struggle to hit that even after 20 years of hard lifting.

Genes are literally everything in weightlifting. Can't confirm if what you're saying is true in cycling, but it's totally different in weightlifting

>every body is the same and something this guy did will work for everyone

Theres a reason we tell newfags to stick to prewritten programs for awhile and to not write their own until they know what theyre doing

the state of nu/fit/

>kids who hit a 200 kg front squat at the age of 14
source? Klokovs FS is 250-260, doubt a 14yo can get just 50-60k less

do progressive overload working your way up to it and eventually you'll be able to handle it


Can't find it now but at one point there was a video of him doing it at school.

Also 185kg easy clean at the age of 16. Klokov has passed his prime age and didn't even improve much after his prime teen years, that's why he never became anything special and started to focus on bodybuilding + social media stuff.

he was probably exaggerating, but watch this 18y old high bar squat atg 363kg (800lbs?)

will he redeem manlets?

>You are a fucking moron.

Y-you too

For what do you need elite genetics? To do a daily max and some drop sets?

With a sensible approach, realistic goals, and some patience you can get really strong doing compounds daily, even doing the same exact routine daily.

I literally do the same exact workout everyday for the last 3 years.

Thanks, I see another lurker veteran has appeared.

They're genetic freaks plus they're on roids

you're talking about outright weight which completely misses my point

my point is the difference in training methods between genuinely strong people and amateurs that exists in weight lifting which is absent in most other forms of athletic training

Absolutely agree, genes are everything in weightlifting. But you can still enjoy it with average genes, just don't think you'll be snatching 150+ kilos 5 days a week.

There's a reason the Chinese do vertical jump tests to assess for the weightlifting program. Guess what, without an elite vertical jump as a child they won't even put you in the program.

I have seen guys train hard, great diet, etc. And they finally snatch 100 kilos after 5+ years of training. Then some other gifted kid who just takes up weightlifting for fun will be snatching 100 kilos in 6 months.

Are you saying you can do this without elite genetics? In weightlifting it means that you have more fast muscle fibers, better recovery, better adaptation ability, the right leverages and the list goes on and on.

The difference in training programs comes down to genetics and drugs. With great genetics and drugs you can train heavy 5-6 days a week. Take an average natural guy and put him on the same program - he'll likely be injured within a month, tired, and eating ibuprofen just to get out of bed. I've seen it happen.

w i just want to chime in to tell you i squat everyday (6x/week) and throw in a push or pull (deads/bench and/or variations) every other day. Then i do 10-15 minutes of fuckarounditis (accessory)

I am making progress but most important is it is enjoyable while i also make progress.

I think once you learn how your body works through volume/recovery you can just adapt the training to your goals and train the way it suits you better.

It is really simple, the fit industry wanna over complicate it to sell gimmicks and mislead.

A core component to this pro training regimen is a easy week or rest week the 4th week

Yes, squatting heavy 6 days a week is great when you're young and have good genetics (and/or drugs). It simply doesn't work for everyone, most young people with good genetics just can't grasp this - "Well it worked for me!"

what are your stats?

Those guys doing deadlifts 4 days in a row are on very advanced lifting programs they've had a long time to adapt to, and after those four days in a row they have to rest for a week.

squat 340, bench 280, deadlift 440. I don't know why my bench is so high compared to the other lifts, i guess i just respond better to it.

My ohp was 70kgx5 back when i used to do ss/sl. Did it for few months, then did some ppl and U/L then decided to squat everyday because squat seems to be my biggest weakness. 1y and 8 months training, but i don't think i did 1 full year of strengh training.

27y old 163lbs 5'9''

I would say you don't lift heavy enough yet so you can get away with that much volume, but those lifts seem pretty good for a guy who only weighs 163lbs. good for you I guess

>Tfw genetic advantage in lifting is the one redpill I just can't swallow
I can't take it, it's too much for me - the fact that no matter how hard I try someone will just be practically born better. I'll try to rationalize it:
>Well, you'll still be better than 95% of the population!

But then it hits me that it's exactly the same with intelligence as well. In every shape and form am I an inferior, and every effort I attempt is a pathetic attempt to grasp that human potential that is and always will be out of my reach.. There are people that are better and will always BE better than me. How am I not sub-human?

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>at one point can you just start training at heavy compound lifts every day?
>it looks like all these really strong guys will do something like blocks of DL training for 4 days in a row
>why is there such a huge difference in training methods between guys that train for competitive purposes and people that just 'want to be stronger' or look better?

professional lifters can lift heavy every day because they are on roids and recover insanely fast.
without gear you can't do that.

I didn't have a brother and sister dragging me into the gym everyday since I was 4 so I wouldn't know.

3 reasons
1. what works for them wont always work for you, you have to find what works for you
2. there are better methods to train strength that have been proven in large groups(then again, see 1, you probably arent special but maybe you are)
3.they're on roids


>there are better methods to train strength that have been proven in large groups
Like what?

you think pro athletes are there because of their genes?
they began training when they were in elementary school.
they continue by training daily.
lol, the fucking cope in this thread.

You compete against you man. You become a little better then the person you were yesterday. You're not the biggest, you're not the smartest, you're not the most attractive, you're not the richest. But for every passing day, you can become more then what you were the day before. Study and learn something, work out hard and gain strenght.

You gotta do whatever you can, noone can expect more then that. If you drop out, you never even make it to the end of the round.

no one is saying anything about becoming pro you fucking retard

its about training methods

Read the thread, every post talking about training methods is rebuted with cj cummings videos and steroids excuses.

When literally all it takes to lift heavy every day is to just lift heavy every day til you adjust.

Compare yourself to the person you were yesterday not user today

Are you like 16-18? I felt that way at first, around the time the I watched the first olympics after turning 18, and watched all these kids younger than me winning medals, and it made me realize for the first time that I'm just a regular jerk off like 99% of the population. It was a hard pill to swallow, but you eventually accept the mediocrity. The best you can do it try to be better than most people you'd realistically run into on an average day or to do it for you and be the best version of yourself.

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Notice on how your daily squat volume is very low when you squat every day.


>Also 185kg easy clean at the age of 16. Klokov has passed his prime age and didn't even improve much after his prime teen years, that's why he never became anything special and started to focus on bodybuilding + social media stuff.

You don't make money lifting weights alone.