It's beginning

it's beginning.

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 nothing happens
Deluded cashiers are really something else

BTC about to free fall

>it's already over

lol dogecoin is getting more gainz than you guys gtfo

24 hours left....

23 hours until difficulty adjustment. BTC fags are sweating bullets.

What are bcashers so toxic?

what's a bcasher? You mean the R E A L B I T C O I N?


Who here /comfy/ and waiting for the dragon slaying

Very comfy. I actually feel pity for the other side, they just don't know beter.

comfy af

>bcashers get btfo'd so hard when b2x gets released anyway

what do you guys think will happen in the next few days?

low volume, thin on the buys, and waaaaay too many bagholders from the previous pump. Estimated difficulty for BTC in two days, is lower. You guys need to wake the fuck up.

I'm going to buy the fuck out of the BTC dip tomorrow. Thanks guys.

koreans need to wake the fuck up

going to be funny watching these cucks scramble when they try to unload there beloved btc on somebody after the chain freezes will be next to impossible

He doesn't realise that this is the pump where the miners make their exit

I already bought the dip to $8k :-)

You guys think it's good to sell before the difficulty adjustment? Since you're supposed to "sell the news"?

the fuck are you talking about nigga


Of the end.

Im comfy put 12k in yesterday its 14k today

Too soon

No they do actually, they just are paid propagandists by people with deep pockets... It's the only explanation

BTC cuckbois so mad. Why you hef to be med? It's just a game

Est difficulty in 23 hours more like GTFO

Plus who cares if it's lower by 20% (merely an estimation on a dodgy website btw) if Segshitbankercuckcoin loses >30% (likely more) miners for good it's GAME OVER

Are we gonna 2x OP



lol i keep seeing those threads for weeks now
you bcash fucks are pathetic
i couldnt give less of a fuck about a coin but its funny to see you guys on Veeky Forums


This is bullshit. BCC taking over BTC by DAA sabotage is like a 12 yo son of a millionaire breaking his fathers arm to steal a $100 bill from his wallet.
You are happy about it but the overall loss of confidence in the cryptoworld would collapse a bit the whole market. We are proving now what mainstream media and economy keeps saying.

Blockchain and Crypto is intended to be the fundamental invention of the 21 century but we can't clear out some fucking dispute over a goddamn block size

I feel bad for bcash believers. The guys behind your centralized, 20%-pre-mine shitcoin are criminals and liars.

Roger the felon and Fauxtoshi are going to make you guys rich and the world a better place, right? It's sad.

>i couldnt care less!!!!!!!
yeah sure buddy
keep thinking that when tether is exposed

Blockstream has direct ties to the deep state and sabotaged bitcoins development for years. BCH is the true Bitcoin.

> overall loss of confidence in the cryptoworld would collapse a bit the whole market.
the absolute delusion
BCH is the one who's causing a collapse of confidence? Not anything to do with the fact that BTC is fucking shit and useless except for its name?
>we can't clear out some fucking dispute over a goddamn block size
you're an idiot
frankly, BTC and its clones need to die, but BTC takes days and massive fees to move anywhere. and you're defending OFF CHAIN transactions?

>loss of confidence in the cryptoworld would collapse a bit the whole market.

how new are you? the crypto space survived so much bullshit, it can survive this. bitcoin cash is actually a good thing, blockstream shouldn't have a monopoly on bitcoin.

It's not manipulation. People keep phrasing it like some kind of attack but nothing could be further from the truth.

It is simply miners and stakeholders en masse choosing to abandon the core fork, because they have rightly recognised that it is against their rational self interest to support it.

Nobody is to blame for that but core. You don't get political seats in Bitcoin. You try to maintain a grip on power contrary to the interests of the ecosystem and the ecosystem will take your fucking head.

Your Korean Monopoly paper will crash as soon as Mr Samsung Jr gets bored

>because they have rightly recognised that it is against their rational self interest to support it.

But they only think that because the mempool is being spammed with transactions that are lower than the fees required to send them. How the actual fuck is that "not manipulation"?

Your centralized shitcoin is being led by criminals and autists who unironically say things like "taxation is theft" and praise others for fleeing countries to avoid it.

[citation needed]
>led by criminals and autists
Sounds like Bitcoin is finally returning to its roots

It would be absolutely hilarious if bch rise and fall, while btc won't even budge from it's current position

>BTC isn't centralized
yeah core just bans all discussion it doesnt like and controls all updates

why is this fucking shitcash even going up? last time it was because BTC was crashing but btc has stayed pretty much the same recently, this market is fucking retarded. fuck bcash cant wait for u cucks to get dumped on

Yeah, it's okay but as they say it "sabotaging" the difficulty adjustment algorithm in order to speculate on prices is kind of disturbing.

There would be a massive lawsuit if it was found out that for example Samsung secretely broke off their supplys of lcds or whatever to Apple just to make sure their production will be jammed so they could speculate on short term price fall

>imagine, hash power transfer to bcash, FUD campaign and propaganda on social media, tether scandal exposed, bitfinex insolvent close, government plan on major regulation
>bitcoin dips at 4K
>bcash pumps at 3K

what's next?

BCH/ALTS trade pairs

>dpr escapes from prison

for that you need majority of haspower, higher market cap, and consensus between exchanges, seems highly improbable even with these conditions filled

It's another Nothing Happening thread.

and that's why POS is better than POW. in other words, buy ethereum.

Paretos principle is recursive. Centralization of power is inevitable with POS.

also ethereum is far from being the most decentralised plateform (DAO...)


comfy af with my 1 BTC and 30 XMR, 5 ETH, and 30 LTC.

Never gonna hold BCH. If you fags kill BTC i go all in Monero

Bcash wannabes are fucking toxic. Do you guys actually think the fud on this stupid board and r/btc will amount to anything?

It's a fucking whale game and they are playing you!!

Ironically you're being played as well

Not me. I'm infallible. And can see the future. You guys are all fucked.

I still made money so fuck you even though my USD went up I have less of all coins, maybe whales did fuck me.

>600M market cap artificially inflating 135B mrket cap
lets just ignore the flood of normies hopping onto BTC i guess? Coinbase has been adding thousands of new users week after week at an increasing rate since the beginning of this year. Every dip between here and the moon is gonna get gobbled up

im in boys lets go!!!!