What does Veeky Forums think of yoga
What does Veeky Forums think of yoga
kys footfag
>Ugh god.. fine, you can see my feet. There. Take a big long look you little weirdo because this is all you're gonna get. Happy? Now give me that $20 you promised so my and Stacy can go to the movies.
C-Can i suck that ring off your toe?
for fags who like feet
not even a feet fag but those look like nice feet
Stretching. You can't be arsed to stretch you are so fucking lazy you need an instructor to tell you what to do and some pseudospirtual bullshit because it just isn't fucking dumb enough. Go listen to some Bon Iver and KYS, faggot
you should try it. its challenging if you never done it. you come out of the class with a natural high and the feeling you can do anything.
It's relaxing
Anyone who doesn't like feet is a faggot.
Just finished up a half hour on the mat. It's fantastic for active recovery and for pretty much everything else. Couldn't recommend it more if it paid me to.
Feminine feet are the flavor of life
>be me in yoga
>sexy young ass girls
>sexy mature older girls
>all wearing yoga pants and barefoot
its basically heaven
even girls like to sniff girl feet
desu you can't appreciate feet if your have test levels of a prepubescent boy
hello newfag or anime-weeb
your opinion is in the trash
post body
are you aware that t b h gets automatically changed to desu, newfriend?
>the irony
>>post body
>doesn't post body
Classic newfag
Foot fags need to be gassed
best part of feet is soles
>not being able to appreciate a nice feminine pair of feet
You must be a cottage cheese ass loving negroloid.
>People in the thread loving the feet
Yeah it's alright I guess. I don't really care one way or the other.
The meditative aspect of it is good for peace of mind in a way.
Reminder that footfags are literal subhumans.
It's great. I've been doing it 5 times a week in the mornings and I also stretch before I go to sleep. My back pain is almost gone and I've gained a lot of mobility.
Ugly toes can still kill it though, but yeah soles are pretty damn hot
/feet/ when?
>What does Veeky Forums think of yoga
Great, I guess, if you have the time for all the goofy woo-woo pseudo-spiritual shit that goes with it, having to go somewhere to do it, etc. Otherwise just spend 10-15 minutes a day stretching, lift, and you'll be fine.
>dirty feet
Hired private yoga instructor(male) for early AM sessions. Had bad ideas and thoughts on yoga(fatties and hamplanets), because initially exposed to these whales 10+ years back.
He corrected my asanas and assisted greatly with tough yoga positions. Dude was an ex-lacrosse and soccer nut. He and wife all into the spiritual end of yoga. OK.
Hnnnggg those arches
>What does Veeky Forums think of yoga
Re-packaged European calistehnics from ca 1900, with some bullshit merkateing and dangerous meditations practice tacked on.
this, i feel the same way about guys who can't smell or eat female ass
t. retarded
It's "exercise" for people who are too scared to actually go exercise.
What most people fail to understand is that "Yoga" is not limited to just what we know as yoga in a modern American studio. Yoga comes out of the Jhana Marga of Hinduism, which is the path of Knowledge. The idea here is that through ultimate self-knowledge we can attain enlightenment, and the 8 limbs of yoga are the instruction book for that knowledge
So what we know as the physical poses of yoga are only the 3rd limb - the Asanas. Here is the full list of the Limbs:
>YAMA - Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows.
>NIYAMA - Positive duties or observances.
>ASANA - Posture.
>PRANAYAMA - Breathing techniques.
>PRATYAHARA - Sense withdrawal.
>DHARANA - Focused concentration.
>DHYANA - Meditative absorption.
>SAMADHI - Bliss or enlightenment.
Pic related as well. The asanas (poses) are amazing for the body not only to make it stronger and more flexible, but to cultivate a relationship with your body and it's capabilities to further increase your self knowledge
And to all the haters out there who shit on yoga studies for their "hippy-dippy spirituality", I ask that you just give it a try. As far as I've seen, there's nothing in it but GOOD for someone who takes up an effort to become midnful, and learn to focus on the breath, and cultivate awareness
>U ready for our yoga session user? I think we should do it here instead of at the gym this time :)
I live for the love of latina feet and only latina feet
Honestly the time you spend doing yoga would be better spent foam rolling
But I want to make friends with pretty ladies
that infinite mirror refletion creeps me out