does anyone else get the feeling they are a DYEL for social skills?
Starting social
>Not talking to people
Never gonna make it
I’m auschwitz mode for social skills.
Unironically have read self-help books and I am still struggling
>the lights are off and the blinds are closed
>you put the volume at medium
>you live alone but you're afraid the apartment neighbors might hear
>the blue light from the screen shines in your eyes
>you click around between several videos
>looking for that perfect one
>13 tabs are open on google chrome incognito
>you found it
>the perfect video
>it only takes you 45 seconds to cum once you saw the perfect pussy at the perfect angle
>jizz all over your hand
>your pants are at your ankles but you can't grab them with your semen covered hands
>you waddle to the bathroom to wash off the jizz
>you return to your computer and check facebook
...stop spying on me faggot
Can any anons back up the claim that going to bars counts as social weightlifting/exercise? Probably best as long as you stay under 3 or 4 drinks right
Do you go alone?
All I ever did to get social gains was just have the mindset that no one actually gives a fuck.
I asked random ass people that I'd never see again stupid ass questions and that worked for me.
conversating is like any other skill you practice. you become better eventually.
for fuck sake guys just dont be so afraid of failure
I am unironically a 9/10 in terms of social skills if anyone wants to pick my brain
I work in consulting so have to do a lot of meet and greet for my job. Also have gf and friends and go to parties and make friends at events like art gallery openings and small venue concerts and sports leagues and all that.
I used to be a social DYEL in high school (23 now) so hey happy to help if I can.
You can make it my dudes it just takes work and a little booze.
How do you continue conversations past basic greetings? What do you talk about?
Talk about the weather.
Alright so...I feel like being social takes effort. But on days i get bad sleep or w/e it seems people can tell im off. What helps you push through this "pain peak" or is it from being a massive DYET
God you’re all such losers
just b yourself only gets so far
At events, I like simple questions like “Do you come here often?” or context dependent ones like at an art gallery “What kind of art do you like?”
For conversations in a vacuum one of my go to questions is “What do you do for fun?” or “What do you like to do on the weekend?” or “What’s the most interesting thing you’ve done/read/seen recently?”
Just open ended stuff to shoot the shit.
I agree. I always get 7-8h of sleep. I’d rather get fired. I generally have two cups of coffee in the morning and if it’s a particularly social day, a little Adderall. Adderall puts you on autopilot for social king skills, even just 5mg (literally an elementary school kids’ amount)
Also just acknowledging that you’re tired. “Hey sorry I’m a little lackluster with the conversation recently. I’m getting crushed at work”
And then just roll with it. They’ll understand.
how do you stay relaxed? sometimes i go off "deep end" and i think caffeine makes it worse.
I’m pretty much always wound up like a top so I can’t answer that. I keep it cool in conversation though. I don’t really have a good answer to this question. Sorry. I don’t want to give (bad) advice about something I can’t really speak to.
I can't even manage conversations with people online. I used a mic yesterday for the first time in years and almost had a panic attack.
It was so much easier when we were younger
>Be 11
>Bad English
>Play call of duty all day
>Call everyone a faggot cause of bad English
>Meet someone with similar English skills
>Call each other names for 2 rounds
>Befriend him and hang out regularly call other people faggots or other words we learned
>This is literally how I learned English
You just gotta push through it it's weird at the beginning but the feeling goes away
For me, being a weird fuck works. Just observe people around you and build social skills.
Heh this was me then I read the holy bibble.