Am I Cutting Too Hard?

I'm currently cutting on roughly 1000 calories a day which is a 1750 calorie deficit and getting about 100-120 grams of protein a day, am I going to lose all of my gains? I'm around 15%bf at 190 right now and I want to get down to 10%-11%, which means losing around 7lbs of fat. I want to run this for 19 days which should get me absolutely ripped to shreds assuming most of what I lose is fat. Is this going to work or will I end up back in skelly mode?

Attached: journey helper.png (844x944, 128K)

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a 1750 calorie deficit is extreme

dial it back to 1000 and cut for twice as long

B...but then it will take twice as long. I'm already on day 5 of this and I think i can keep it going, I just want to know if I'll end up losing too much lean mass.

Just cut on 0 calories so you're done even faster.

I was considering it, but then no brotien

>1000 calories a day
That's not cutting that's starving, are you retarded? Did you read anything on this board?
A normal deficit is 250kcal, at maximum 500kcal

I know it's starving; tht's the point user
Use it, you have to eat about 2300kcal and are still in deficit.

you're completely retarded, moreso than OP

250 calorie deficit is just pussyfooting around and 500 calorie deficit is nowhere near a maximum unless you're approaching stage lean and need to preserve every last ounce of muscle

I do a lot of cardio though