Your waifu comes to life and says you can use her body in any way you want, but you have to lose 5 pounds in 48 hours. What is your current weight and technique?
Hard mode: 10 pounds and a clone of her is spawned for a threesome.
Your waifu comes to life and says you can use her body in any way you want, but you have to lose 5 pounds in 48 hours. What is your current weight and technique?
Hard mode: 10 pounds and a clone of her is spawned for a threesome.
No, you're not gonna slim down just in time for the big event, faggot.
grab a knife and start cutting that shit off
168 lbs ~15% bodyfat
I don't drink any water and do a ton of cardio.
Only way this is possible is if you drink a shit load of water and eat a shit load of food before you make the deal.
>that 30 years old guy with a "waifu"
lmao at your life
What fucking event would a no-conditions weight loss be for that wouldn't leave him/her looking like shit?
This is perfect.
I will force my self to puke and go on a dry fast. Then do as much cardio as i physically can.
The Jigsaw technique. For Satsuki, I probably would do this.
Damn son, you new here or an old fag who left humanity behind?
>don't eat for 48 hours
Water weight and taking shits/peeing will do the rest.
He's obviously BLOATMAXXING you fucking twink. Soon he'll be a respectable 400 pounds, the size of a full grown adult male.
An adult male starts at 200kg
OP here. No event, just bored at my wagecuck job for the next 3+ hours and wanted to see what people would do.
Fasting, cardio, ephedrine, and caffeine.
Come to papa, Kiss-Shot.
Just started coming here, i wanted to change my life around. Im down 16lbs after 3 weeks of coming here. Im currently on a 500-1000 calories a day but i will start fasting soon.
stop eating or drinking
I think this is a trick question since is right.
>Hard mode: 10 pounds and a clone of her is spawned for a threesome.
This brings the Philosophy of Waifuism questions about cheating desu.
Good luck user
5 lbs in 48 hours? you drop that in pure water weight just from dry fasting, probably in 36 hours.
>but you have to lose 5 pounds in 48 hours
12 hour LISS cycle + fast
If you're >20% BF should be possible
Im rooting for you user
eat 10 pounds of food then puke it up.
Take a hardcore 5 hour ice bath, take fiuretics and fast my ass off. And doing crossfit
Yeah, this seems difficult, but I'm thinking no water, some sort of diuretic, and then doing cardio until I collapse non stop for the whole deal.
fasting, cardio and diuretics. laxatives pre weigh in. idgaf about muscle i need them 2 Kasumi's from Samurai Champloo