Mental Health

I was seriously depressed for most of my teenage years, I’m fairly happy now, but every now and then I feel the depression creeping back into my mind. Is there any way to get over this? Or is this just how everybody is?

Also mental health general

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The same happens to me. As a teen I had major clinical depression but I'm 20 now and every so often I get huge boughts where it feels like I'm 15 again and shut down. It's best to just let it happen and acknowledge its existence but don't act on anything. Eventually your brain will mellow out and you can get back to focusing again. I haven't taken my meds in years so it's just the small price I pay. For me, I had to find a task other than using technology to get me feeling normal again when the depression days come. I just sew something but it could be anything you can mindlessly do alone to just think your thoughts without doing anything devastating. Best of luck

(((Depression))) is the modern day term for being a weak pussy

Every time I feel sorry for myself or feel hopeless and depressed I remind myself it's only weakness and snap out of it.

Spyboy s today are so pathetic they need to go talk to Dr. Goldsteinbergowitz about their problems and then get a brand name prescription to buy happy pills from Drs cousin Weinberg and his big pharma company

You pussies are exactly the reason the West is failing and white people will be extinct. Fucking pathetic

What really helped me was to reframe how I saw my depression. When I stopped "fighting" it and started "working with" I made much better improvements.

I was in therapy and on meds for many years, and figured at some point I could stop putting my life on hold because I would be "better." Now I'm actively engaged in my life because I know it's just part of me, and I've found strategies to keep going when it gets hard.

It's not easy, but life isn't easy for most of us. Don't give up~


Depression is a side effect of a developing body, as your body is transforming through puberty, the stress of all the hormones being pumped into your body gives you nihilistic and depressing thoughts.

Everyone goes through exactly what you went through, teenage angst. People who take anti-depressants and SSRI's during the development stage instead of letting nature take their course already have fucked up, permanently unstable mental issues unfortunately.

Being depressed and sad is perfectly normal in any human society derived from individualistic needs, go see a psychologist, and only a psychiatrist after since all they care about is making money off of you buy selling you their drugs.

Honestly this, I felt sad during highschool and eventually just realized all my problems we're self-contrived and a simple change in mindset helped eliminate nost of them.

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you don't have major depression and you never did.

depressed people don't feel sorry for themselves, they feel an unrelenting despair that emanates from nothing in particular.

Despite what you see in movies, everyone gets depressed. Everyone gets sad sometimes.

Just let it happen, the continue with your day
