Weighted Dips
Weighted Dips
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Inb4 fedora
Doesn't know how to use the dip belt
The earliest source I found is the "Volksturnbuch" (The People's Gymnastics book) by August Ravenstein, from 1861. Push ups are described on page 346, on a bar apparatus, as an exercise for people who are too weak to do bar dips, or, as he puts it "for very weak persons". Doing them on the ground was described as "uncomfortable", hence the apparatus was used.
This seems to be the guy.
So, anyway.
Theory 1: Turnvater Jahn (the guy who invented gymnastics and calisthenics as we know them today) originially invented the exercise of "push-ups", about 50 years before it was used in the US (earliest mention: 1905) and almost a hundred years before it was used in the UK (earliest mention: 1940s to 1950s according to an etymological lexicon). That was somewhere in the 1840s to 1850s. Ravenstein took it from him. This seems plausible as Jahn invented a lot of exercises we know today, however, I cannot find push ups in Jahn's books - he mainly uses the bar dip instead.
Theory 2: Ravenstein is actually the sole inventor of the exercise. Which would be kinda cool. Nobody knows the guy (he was a cartographer and did gymnastics as a hobby) but everyone uses his exercise.
Be it as it may, push ups as an exercise are a lot younger than you probably think. We're talking 120-150 years here at most.
Additional information: I have never been able to get a source on the urban legend that the Roman emperor Constantine invented the exercise. It seems to be the usual case of "American education".
Just FYI.
dated whips
Just bloatmax to satisfactory weight
For me, it's TSSSSSS
I see a lot of people hook it up like that. if he was adding 4pl8s+ i can maybe see it as necessary, but it just looks uncomfortable like that. like its about to fall off any second.
dips are high risk, not too high reward
close grip bench and weighted pushups are better
>weighted pushups
Spotted the faggot
Weighted handstand pushups brahs. Try it out.
t. fatman supreme who cant do 10 unweighted pushups
Fuark, normal handstand pushups are bretty hard already. I can only do a set of 10, better to elevate my hands for larger range of motion or add weight?
Good post senpai
I almost passed out doing +90 the other day.
First one was fine and failed after 7 reps. Went down for rep 1 of set two and barely bailed out in time to land on my feet with my head spinning.
that's for shoulders you fucking brainlet
>closegrip and weighted pushups
just do cables instead of meme shit
did you really just advocate doing fucking cable movements instead of close grip bench and weighted push ups
you are a fucking idiot lmao
I like bean dips.
It hangs too low if I do it the other way.
I've never even heard of Constantine getting credit for that.
*cracks sternum*
*blows out shoulder*
>is dyel
>posts on Veeky Forums anyways
Man the fuck up and just do dips
It doesn't happen when you have the muscle to pull it up
just fucking lmao, german larping as always. I am german but to imply that men before this faggot Turnvater Jahn didnt come up with push ups is a joke