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Over-reliance on saturated fat, low fiber, processed meat as its base, excludes healthy food groups like whole grains and legumes while severely limiting fruit
>inb4 psuedoscience conspiracies about how everything we know about nutrition is the exact opposite but Big Oat doesn't let anyone know
nice work user
if you want to be small, then sure
It’s not counting calories.
i spent years shilling for a keto-type diet, then the light hit me about 2-3 years ago that it's literally the worst eating plan you could imagine.
i also have a theory that no-one's really actually doing keto simply b/c it's practically impossible to adhere to for longer than 4 days.
Easy, regardless of what you think of keto milk has wayyy to many carbs to appear on that pyramid.
Where's the tasty bread.
>pyramid eating scheme
Too much dairy, fairy.
Its another extreme diet choice like veganism. Why can't you dummies find the middle? Do I need to quote aristotle?
It’s a good diet for cutting for a competition but outside of that I wouldn’t recommend it
did keto for 6 months here. Care to explain what’s so bad about it? I stopped being as strict (~100 carbs/day) because it was too hard to put on weight.
Keto is for fatasses that want to lose weight while eating cheese, bacon and other garbage, instead of eating a ''real'' healthy diet with carbs such as picrelated
debate me
I wasn’t doing it to lose weight. I enjoyed never being hungry.
gonna be incoherent here
but i wanna add that on letrozole and tanking my e2 nothing fills me up like carbs while if my estrogen is normal keto fills me up more than a balanced diet
why is this?
brainlet detected
Looks like my diet but way less fruit.
>like veganism
But veganism doesn't force you to fiendishly avoid any particular macro nutrient.
>Me when I do keto
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