>frame doesnt exist bro
Frame doesnt exist bro
I don't even have a two foot shoulder width.
Don't both look unaesthetic? Extremes are rarely good.
nobody said this
Keep crying you genetic failure.
Is there a formula for an objectively good shoulder width for a given height / frame (via wrist) size?
Not just shoulder to waist ratio; I mean an absolute figure for shoulder width.
They both look fucking awful
But surely if you are 6'4" with a 30" waist, you're going to want to have bigger shoulders than someone who is 5'9" with a 30" waist?
Top jej
who the fuck has ever said that? stop making shit threads
Plenty people on fit say this
Is there actually anything you can do to make your shoulders look broader?
which lifts especially?
Show us your frame then.
Have better genetics and exercise more as a child
sleep on your back 90% of the time as you were growing
Side raises and OHP to build up your delts. make sure you hit all three delt heads evently.
baka nobody knows the secret of using gear as a teen
>tfw the greeks knew how a beautiful male body looks like.
Actually somewhat legit, you're the only one ITT that actually seems to understand aesthetics. Though of course, his extreme shoulder width would not be a problem if the rest of his dimensions were similarly extreme.
Before people talk about the little deek, how much time would you like to spend sculpting a penis?
major cope
shoulder width is GENETIC
It's not even small, it's a perfectly normal flaccid dick.
Still coping faggot
Anything below 7 inches when flaccid is abnormal bro.
dicklet detected
What exactly is the purpose of a large flaccid dick? The greeks were right, it is comical and an evolutionary maladaption, no wonder it is a feature of the weak and docile congoid race.
I was joking with the 7 inches comment.
I got that, but there are people out there that genuinely believe this.
You need a lot of vitamins and minerals to grow. A shit diet ruins everything.
>math checks out
The Greeks were always right.
Well I fucked my life up
Yes, but not because of his broad shoulders, but because the other body parts are not as developed, so he has a weird look.
That's like someone with a 50 cm biceps, but chicken legs, no chest and no shoulders.
Just measured my shoulders they are 16 inches across fucking kill me
the guy on the right is an extreme genetic outlier and the guy on the left just has a small head and is slightly wider than average plus the photo is taken at a specific angle that visually amplifies the width
here is a photo of the same guy with his girl
this isn't true. i slept on my side my whole life and my bideltoid is 23"
you can add 1-2 inches of width over a lifting career
not much but a little actually goes along way
but yeah, if you're some stick looking motherfucker without a good frame to start you'll never have a classic v taper
wow, framecucks btfo
one of the most precisely measured universal constants in nature
>tfw shoulder width not same as arm length
Will i ever make it?
great width but you can tell from that pic that he's clearly a manlet, or sub 6' in any case.
imagine those dimensions at like 6'3". you'd be a literal unstoppable god level slayer.
oh and forgot to mention that the main reason he looks wide is because he has basically the ideal frame for lifting, just look how his waist and hips are the same size as his girlfriend. when you put things into perspective, he actually has a relatively small bone structure.
plus the dude obviously lifts.
there are probably people on Veeky Forums reading this thread right now that are wider and bigger than him.
his girl is apparently 178cm and he is 183cm
>imagine those dimensions at like 6'3". you'd be a literal unstoppable god level slayer.
yeah you would, but that is literally 1/100000 elite genetics
They both look retarded shoulder wise.
stop coping faggot
this. think about where bones come from? the need "material" to be built. thats why you need to eat a lot, sleep and best be physically active your entire life.
and why many fatties who were fat as kids have great bones and just need to lose weight, because they sure as hell ate enough. bones are the best indicator for genetic fitness
numale cuck on right clearly is trying to push his chest out by pulling back his shoulders and this is why he looks so narrow
it's literally 99% genetic
i grew up kind of poor and didn't get to have a lot of good food growing up. still grew to 6'2" with a wide shoulder girdle
Surely training your back and chest muscles makes you wider?
wtf, why do people still wear these goofy ass long shorts to the beach? is this an american thing?
your on fit dude, everyone here has Asperger and never touched a girl before, what kind of responses do you think you'll get when you post here?
these types of posts are hilariously stupid, i love when i see someone respond with 'dont bother even trying broo, if you weren't born that way forget it :)'
Chad Nord vs. Virgin Med
if you don't have a wide frame, you aren't gonna be wide
you can always make improvements. just look at that FitWorldExposed guy
no, its 98,1%
Sure but the left one is more aesthetic. Anyway, if he worked out to be more complete everywhere he'd outright become a 10/10 body wise
Look I can do this stupid shit too
>ahhaha look frame xD am i rite guise?
>slept on right side most my life
>right shoulder is an inch lower than my left
how the fuck did you come up with such number? how the fuck do you even use it?
>30" waist(actually 28" but for consistency's sake lets make it 30)
>20" shoulder span
based on your ratio my shoulders should be 18.5"
forgot to mention im a 5'11 midget
more like nano human
wait is it supposed to be shoulder circumference?
>broad shoulders
>small wrists
It's a mixed feel desu
Most models with wide shoulders just have tiny head and thin neck
Who the fuck are you quoting?
Jesus, he is absolutely framemogging her
le cope xd
That's not "understanding aesthetics". If the wide dude trained to become proportionate he'd be x10 better aesthetically looking than the narrow dude. Proportion can be fixed. Frame can't.
It doesn't work out like that. For the same level of musculature for a 6'4" to match with a 5'9" 30" waste the 6'4" would have a 33 - 34 waist. Think about stretching an image vertically the result is a more narrow width in terms of ratio.
The big 5 compound movements. With a health does of Arnold rows, heavy shrugs, heavy DB rows.