fat people hate
no thread in catalogue, so...
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numales open their mouths wide to hide their double chins
What's the worst Amerimutt? Personally, I think it is anyone who says they are Irish.
>"heh heh we Irish sure like to drink!"
>"hey! we were persecuted like blacks!"
>"we have our own holiday greeeeeeen beer!"
Like, why are they so proud of being mixed potato niggers when the Irish have always been genetically inferior to even the Anglo?
Italian Americans are in second.
wtf when did this become so popular?
speaking of /pol/ there is a sort of war going on between old/pol/ and nu/pol/
when did what?
I dont watch their gay podcast.
just a bunch of larpers throwing hissy fits.
100% italians, theyre so fat. every last one of them. doesnt help that they all own restaurants. its in their blood. the poorest italian I knew grewing up had a mother that managed a mcdonalds store.
this mouth wide open face why/when did that start?
its always been popular
we just started noticing how certain people coincidentally make it. like numales.
In reality white Americans are far more likely to be of German decent.
fuuuuuuuuuuuck it will never not be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen will it?
yes but its supposed to "reconnect" with their heritage. like do you think the "native americans" working in casinos and living on reservations are actually native? theyre a minimum of 60% white just like hispanics are
nah brah HIGH TEST brah
My brother's pretty overweight. He's legitimately one of the funniest guys I've ever known and quite hardworking.
Do I have to hate him?
No, but you should hate that he's fat and want to help him.
I wish I could help all of these people that get posted in these threads.
hate the alter ego in his head that is keeping him from his full potential
>cream in cereal
what the fuck
And yet she went on a date with a skinny guy... and wouldve probably rejected him when he was a fatty
This cutting cake shit annoys me. At my dining hall on campus the deserts are put out for self-serve but none of the healthy shit is. So I'll go up to the buffet and just ask for turkey breast and green peas, and I'll get maybe 1/5 of the portion I would need for a full meal. So I literally go up 5 times every dinner to get meat and veggies. But, all the pies, chocolate mousse, soda fontain, ice cream bar, pre-made dining hall mcchicken sandwiches to go - all that shit is self-serve. Because its less expensive. They try to dissuade students from eating healthy because it cuts cost. Despite all the shitty emails they spam us with infographics saying to eat healthier.
if fucking up other people's lives is your fetish.. you might be a woman
Is this what americans eat? I nearly puke at the thought of it.
sounds like my uni dining hall
>fries were self serve, premade burgers and chicken sandwiches were ready to go and on mini plates. Desserts were all plated and ready to go
>actual daily changing menu items had to be ordered
>breakfast eggs were to be scooped by the people but pancakes, potatos, hashbrowns and waffels were self serve.
>salad and most basic raw veggies and fruits were self serve though
>ice cream was unlimited
>only would eat a bowl of cereal for most dinners becuase i was super over all the food
>once a week they would have "premium" nights where you recieved a ticket to recieve one small serving "steak" and a baked potato or other actual edible foods.
They at least got rid of the trays at one point becuase people were wasting food by taking 6 mini plates of burgers and fries and not finishing all their food. So it forced people to only take a plate or two at a time. They blamed it on "were saving water/ the earth by not needing to wash the trays"
What show is that? Is that Anna Richardson?
m8 thats Supersize vs Superskinny/ a brit bong.
I've never seen/heard of an american do it but ive had so many people order heavy cream lattes with extra caramel sauce that i wouldn't put it past them.
>once a week they would have "premium" nights where you recieved a ticket to recieve one small serving "steak" and a baked potato or other actual edible foods.
LMAO we have premium nights too, a bit different but yeah. I look at the menu before I decide to head to the dining hall (or eat one of my microwaved veggie/meat meals that fit my macros). So I look at the menu for "premium night" and its got a thing they call "Chicken al King" so I look at the macros and its pretty decent, it says something like 400calories per serving, some fat and 50g protein. so then I get to the dining hall and this "chicken al king" is actually a gravy with basically fuckin chicken soup sized chicken cubes and they pour the gravy over a biscuit (which wasnt calculated into the macros).
Yeah dining halls are a fucking joke and its no wonder america is obese.
Recovering fat/fucking hilarious guy. Help him lose weight, despite all the Tumblr bullshit I've never known anyone that is obese and doesn't have a core of self loathing.
But it's that exact core that produces a wicked sense of humor. You can't truly be funny if you take yourself too seriously, it's almost the essence of a certain dark/cynical tragicomedy type of humor. Without that compensation for the pain, who knows who you'll be.
That being said, being healthy and happy is probably better than humorous endowment. Just saying.
I'm also a former fatty and people often tell me I'm one of the funniest people they know.
Losing the weight was actually great because now I can turn that dark humor on fatties too without feeling the cognitive dissonance that happened when I was also fat. It's good to be able to make fun of yourself, but when you're making fun of something you really deeply hate about yourself it tears away at your soul a little bit.
your memes are trash...
Dios mio...
yeah pretty sure it's British>German>>>>Irish
>I have zero metabolism
A while ago I dreamed I was at my gym running on the treadmill and this goblin was squatting down next to me stabbing me in the gut and legs with a butter knife. Turns out I was having a lowkey leg cramp but still, what the shit.
go back to plebbit, shill
I'm German/Norwegian on my dad's side and Irish/German on my mom's side
How'd I do?
When you need to get rid of your butter belly.
I used to work for a gas station and would see customers just pour cream into a large coffee containers and drink straight cream.
>a newfag from /pol/ telling anyone to go anywhere.
good god people are fucking retarded
Ive been here since 2011 but nice try, soycuck
3 generations of family last names including maiden names are all Germanic in origin except my dad's dad's mom's dad who just had to marry a fucking former Indian slave and produce my great grandmother.
Fuck you, popaw.
So that's three years after I came here which still means you're a newfag, absolutely and relatively.
Are you this assmad that SJW's aren't the only people who are fat? KEK.
Both of you are newfags I've been here since the '93. Fags
You clearly hate white people, so here is the company you'll be keeping in the future, swedecuck
>I "hate white people" because I post fat nazis
Thanks for proving me right dumbfuck.
Those aren't nazis, those are larping white trash, and if we're comparing which race has the most pond scum, it would by far be negros, followed by spics and asians (yes, indians and pakis and filipinos are asians).
You will never be able to cherrypick enough amerimutts to defame the legacy of Adolf Hitler.
You aren't a nazi, nazi's are dead.
And no, indians aren't asian or caucasian.
What's your angle?
>gamergate was 3 years ago
where did time go ?
>what.. what is this? well.. they're NOT REAL nazis because they are unfit!
>MUST be larping
The assmad is real.
Let him water fast for 2 days. I did that and dropped a lot of weight. I then extended that to 5 days and lost fat + water weight. Go to /fast/ for more info
>it's another "/pol/ derails the /fph/ threads"
Wjat evem was gamergate
First off, I made the fph thread, secondly, Indians live in asia, thirdly, white trash are not members of the National Socialist Deutsche Workers Party, and finally, take a (you), it's my courtesy
If you don't come from /pol/ you're fat.
Have yourself another cheeseburger to shut you up and let the mature skinny people discuss important issues such as the anti-white agenda of the Jews in peace.
>First off
stopped reading, back to plebbit with you.
>white trash are not members of the National Socialist Deutsche Workers Party
Nazi is short for national socialist, not "member of the party". That party does not exist anymore.
>I made the fph thread
Yeah, we can clearly see that lmao.
reminder to report all /pol/ posts
>complains about /pol/
>was the person to derail this thread with politics
I'm still fat, but I've lost 20 pounds in less than a month just by eating less and going to the gym a few times a week.
It's so easy. I look at fat people and listen to their excuses and wonder why the fuck they're so stupid and lazy. You have to eat SO MUCH and exercise SO LITTLE to stay fat, it's fucking ridiculous.
La creatura...
>>was the person to derail this thread with politics
You mean this person?
And when I consider all the time fat people spend feeling sorry for themselves or lying about how much they love being fat, I wonder why the fuck they don't just do something about it. It's really not complicated.
First off, no one fucking cares about yet another fph thread, secondly, no one not even the indians call themselves asians and their desperate attempts to be and label themselves caucasion are both embarassing and deeply disturbing, lastly nazis are fucking dead. All you people are or pathetic loser LARPers.
No different from those sad civil war re-enactors in America.
Could care less, just stay on topic.
Threw up a little bit
>work to get to the sweet spots
I would rather die.
I'll watch BBW porn because I like watching them get degraded and used for their freaking bodies, but actually fucking one irl is a disgusting nightmare.
That's the picture of a gorilla skeleton with a human skull photoshopped on it
yes sir, not falling for it, this has happend several times before. Even the fat tumblr whales themselves had a go at derailing few times.
>tfw I will always a double chin
It's not even fat, everyone on my mom's side of the family has it. It's just a good lump of everything that should be in our necks that for some reason sits down about a centimeter lower than it should and ruins the aesthetics of our otherwise godly genetics.
Thank you for finally posting something actually fucking relevant to the thread.
thats racist
I started the thread you dumb fuck
>otherwise godly genetics
*bellies shapes
He was saying something nice!!! How was he suppose to know that? Don't be a dick user, he contributed to your thread. So am i.
Obligatory posting
Fat people are mentally ill, no different from junkies and alcoholics. Their sickness should be treated just as seriously and with even less patience. It's okay to give someone an ultimatum about their drinking or drug use, but it's insensitive to do the same in regards to their eating habits. It's madness.
I know people that are like this... way too proud of heritage it gets to be ironic and disgusting. These would be the same people that would say that the nazis were bad people.
>the nazis were not bad people
found the edgy 16 year old.