What is the most satisfying lift and why is it The Press®?

What is the most satisfying lift and why is it The Press®?

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I am sorry but the ATG pause squat is objectively more satisfying

Attached: 300kg-661lbs Pause ATG Backsquat 100% RAW.webm (1280x720, 1.59M)

Clean and jerk makes me feel powerful

Attached: dude.png (967x978, 825K)

OHP easily

weighted pull ups feel pretty good but I gotta agree that deep squats is the most satisfying.

Power jerk

Attached: 436B54B2-CC00-44E3-B884-4BF3C043D60F.jpg (400x289, 29K)

boy do i love pressing that weight over my head

Isn't that just a push press?

yeah, i bet it is

>tfw OHP 150lbsx3 at around 180/185lbs
It's my only good lift. I don't even know how it got far while my other lifts stagnated.

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