>When you went to the gym 6 days in a row and need to take a break
>No gym today
>I miss lifting heavy things
I think I'm addicted. Is it a good addiction to have?
I always thought about lifting as my hobby. But now a girl at the gym asked me what I am doing besides going to the gym every day. I thought maybe I need another hobby. Working out is part of my life like eating and showering now.
When you went to the gym 6 days in a row and need to take a break
Please don't get a hobby just to satisfy some chick.
If you enjoy lifting, good for you man. It's pretty impressive to enjoy what many people see as torture.
Na, it wasn't about or for her, don't worry. I think she made a legit point and since then I'm thinking about it. She works there and we sometimes have a chat.
>girl asked what you have for other hobbies
lmao have you ever seen what normie hobbies are?
If you ACTUALLY work out, like with effort and progression and all that jazz that probably half of the people in the gym dont, and you like it, then your hobby of lifting genuinely has more substance than most peoples' """"hobbies"""".
Seriously "oh I like travelling, coffee, ADVENTURES, margaritas and tacos"
If I hear this shit one more time. The fucking adventures meme dude
I also see "I like to be with friends and have fun" like no shit m8 that's like the definition of having fun is doing something you like you basically said "I like to do stuff I like" really informative you fuck
Hm, you might be right. I've been doing it for so long that I didn't see it as it was anymore.
Try 8 months without a rest day
Won't that hurt your gains? I often read that rest days are also part of your routine.
It's not that other hobbies are bad either. You can have more than one if there's something else you like. I'm trying to learn an instrument from the ground up because the way people who are REALLY GOOD at an instrument sound is my ideal.
Unfortunately, despite SOUNDING like a normie hobby it doesn't really apply because it's not like I join music clubs or anything, I just sit at home practicing when I'm not at the gym or school.
Normie hobbies are 'do you go out and socialize 24/7' and most peoples' (most, not all) hobbies seem to revolve around the social aspect rather than for themselves.
Hasn't seemed to hurt mine, stronger than I've ever been and still breaking through plateaus.
>haven't been gym in 2 weeks
You should have returned fire with, 'you first'. Most people have laughable hobbies and spread themselves thin pursuing multiple activities rather then refining themselves in one or two areas.
I get depressed after more than two days out of the gym
I'll ask her next time.
My next hobbie is going to be boxing again...
Other than that it's all about watchin 30 second videos on instagram
Looking at girls asss and camel toes on IG
Reading about supplment
Drinking and taking cocaine once every few weeks
That girl is gross
>sprained my ankle real bad to the point there is internal bleeding
I'm gnawning at my fingers. I gotta go back to the fucking gym.
Upper body exercises not possible?
I wish I was able to flirt at the gym. Too awkward. The furthest I get is some weather smalltalk. I suck at conversation.
youre already /hyperkinetic/ not really an addiction to lifting but to workout
get into some team sport or martial art
also go to church on sunday unironically of course