>work in a craft brewery >free pint with lunch and after your shift >free 12-pack a week >free tickets to beer-related company events, where beer consumption is a given >boss buys cake or pie or donuts once a week for employee appreciation >beer knowledge is fundamental to advancement so responsible consumption is heavily encouraged and a part of "playing ball" >cutting
Just fuck my shit up, boys. Is there anyway to reconcile the lifestyle that's being presented to me with a lean physique? Pic related is where I'm at now, and I've been trying for months to cut these last few bf% but the perks of this job are making it extremely difficult to not just spin my wheels.
Should I just fully commit to a nice, beer fuelled bulk and aim for bearmode, or give the brewery a big middle finger and stop drinking for the spring?
just drink bro if you're not on orals then no biggie you dont wanna be that autistic chickenbreast at 6pm protein shake at 8pm guy do you?
Noah Jones
We produced a gluten-reduced kolsch, but nothing that's zero carb. I do occasionally crush one before hitting the gym tho haha
Ian Thomas
They already give me (playful) shit for being the autistic guy who brings meal-prepped lunches everyday and only eats one slice of pizza at staff meetings.
I guess I might be overthinking this, eh?
Isaac Rodriguez
Keep your drinking habits the same as a regular person. Just because you work in a brewery and now get all this free beer doesn't mean you have to drink all of it.
Jordan Lewis
Alcohol is for the weak and dumb , don't drink it
Nolan Long
I don't know you look great. I wouldn't want to throw it away just because you feel obligated to drink beer and eat garbage. Do whatever you want man.
Alexander Myers
Save all your beer for a week and drink it all on saturday with your significant other / buddies instead of having dinner.
Adam Fisher
lol you should go to school and stop doing shit jobs you alcoholic slob
Grayson Perez
Just drink beer slowly. You don't need to chug your beer just because you're drinking beer. Gulp. Wait a long while before taking another gulp. Repeat.
Jace Morgan
Mostly what I'm doing at this point, been gifting it to family and friends or having the occasional binge night with the boys.
I appreciate it, but my issue is that the corporate culture is very beer-based, and abstaining might be interpreted as not playing ball/ grounds for passing over advancement. I guess drinking the minimum acceptable amount might be my best option.
Christian Roberts
I went to school (as did most of the others in the brewery) and the salary is very competitive given my location. But thanks for the advice dude.
Carter Sanders
Can confirm. As a former alcoholic, people who don't drink were my worst enemies. If you work at a brewery you will fuck yourself bigly careerwise if you abstain completely
Anthony Robinson
>fuck yourself bigly english is my second language and that is not an adjective.
Austin Ward
Landon Harris
English is a living language whose purpose is to convey ideas (which is done here), and thus does not require strict prescription.
Caleb Cook
How did you get a job in the industry? I’ve been trying to get a job as a trainee brewer for a while now, what city do you live in?
Kevin Bennett
Sell the beer you get to homeless people for cheap
Ian Anderson
I don't really want to reveal specifics, but it's a bigger city in Canada with a vibrant craft scene, and unfortunately it was nepotism (I'm dating someone who's cousin owns a rival brewery, but is good friends with my boss).
Luis Peterson
Fuck that. GIVE your beer to homeless After making them beat the shit out of each other for your entertainment
Gavin Rivera
Nah brah. You’re on your way to being a sick cunt, keep meal prepping and keep cutting, a couple of beers a day won’t really interfere with it. I have flat out refused (politely, mind you) to have pizza or cake or any other high sugar/empty calorie bullshit that my coworkers bring to the office for the past few years and it helped me a fuckton. You’re gonna make it brah.
>500 empty kcal is not a problem In the long run it is m8, you'll never achieve your true potential
Jacob Gutierrez
Hey op, brewer here so I feel your pain. Without even trying I’ll drink like 4 beers throughout the day between sampling for quality, shooting the shit customers, and a lunch pint. Definitely not conducive to cutting since we had a pizza kitchen too.
My best advice would be to keep drinking socially, but take your time on your beers and go for lighter lower alcohol beers. The stouts, big beers and whatnot will have more residual sugar left in the beer. Also a meal planner like MyFitnessPal will help make sure you aren’t blowing out your calories or macros for the day.
Alcohol interrupts gains. Why are you diminishing your true potential anyway?
Charles Rodriguez
If you're going to drink a bunch of carbs, don't eat a ton of carbs too.
Have a beer, have a donut, skip the rice.
Nolan Reed
>I appreciate it, but my issue is that the corporate culture is very beer-based, and abstaining might be interpreted as not playing ball/ grounds for passing over advancement. If the working culture is so different from your culture or goes against your values should you even be working there? How is that good for you? You can probably find employment elsewhere
Benjamin Thomas
Why tf do you need to cut any more? You’re already lean as fuck. If it’s that important to you just use more steroids.
Liam Green
go bear mode you would look great
Ian Scott
just eat straight vegetables chicken and beer and nothing else and you can probably still cut if you want
Jackson Jones
You dont have to take the free pints You dont have to take the free 12-pack You probably dont have to go to all the free events You probably dont actually need to consume that much beer to responsibly do your job
Shut the fuck up, stop making excuses for your shit lifestyle, man up or dont make it - your choice
Lucas Lewis
this, I cant understand people who would rather drink a little all days of the week instead of having an awesome buzz with your GF/bois
Lincoln Johnson
I want to bury my face in your happy trail >n-no homo
Ryder Smith
nigger if you look like that we're gonna need your routine and numbers
Cameron Edwards
No you wont gain any weight drinking beer, that's zero fat liquid bread. In fact studies show regular beer can help you to lose weight and regular drinkers are less fat than non-drinkers.
However the donuts and pies you should skip and eat real food instead
I want to burn down all the hop fields. Fuck hipsters and their bitter beers.
Cooper Evans
Stop drinking the beer. If the give you shit, tell them that you have type 1 diabetes and then beer is making it harder to manage without insulin.
Aiden Brooks
Where I'm from, ridiculous stouts are the current hipster trend. Every fucking brewery has their own coffee/milk/oatmeal stout, and they're out of control. I saw one that was a Mexican chocolate and peanut butter stout. Nigga what even is that.
Christian Cook
Beer is filled with estrogen you dumb turd. Enjoy your new breasts. I'll titty fuck you in 5 years.
Angel Ramirez
Ahh yes, beer. The oldest drink known to man besides water, drank by damn near every civilization in the history of the world. That explains why the Normans were renowned for their feminine physiques.
Henry Russell
Are you retarded or something? You realise the ale Norman's drank did not contain hops right? Almost every single beer on the market is required to actually have hops in it now. Hops produce estrogen. youtube.com/watch?v=G4rJFlVzunY
Thomas Thompson
Work at a craft brewery too. Stick to your prep meals, macro's etc as much as possible. You need to drink the beers that are required to do your job but anything more is on you. Drinking at lunch for example is unnecessary and purely peer pressure. It's even forbidden in my contract, but wouldnt do it anyway as it effects the quality if my work. Besides I don't think it's possible to get a better body while doing your job.
Joshua Stewart
The required homework aspect of drinking shouldn't be a problem. If you are serious about career advancement and the gym then just taste and spit like those professional wine tasters.
Jackson Ward
>Beer is filled with estrogen you dumb turd. Enjoy your new breasts. I'll titty fuck you in 5 years
are you the guy who gave me a tour of the Sam Adams craft location in Boston
Jeremiah Smith
my only problem with IPAs is that people don't drink them seasonally, like an IPA is nice on a hot summer day but in the middle of winter I don't see how anyone can want a mouth full of grapefruit
Blake White
My problem with IPAs was the hop-head dick measuring contest that was the craze for the last few years. Craft breweries were all trying to out IBU each other with no regard for actual flavour (in my opinion, anyway).
Austin Wright
This >imperial triple chocolate vanilla syrup cake pie banana split ice cream stout