I just drank 1 liter of soda after the gym
Veeky Forums confessions thread
Gotta confuse that liver CMON
I’m eating leftover dominos pan pizza
i'm fighting the bad urge to order a pizza
Ram your fingers down your throat right now. PURGE THAT SHIT. It's not too late
i managed to get my mom rubbing my belly, at starting she felt uncomfortable but then she said "well you are my son i think its okay" then we cuddle and told her how much i love her and she almost cried, the next time i will manage her to stroke my penis
if you dont have a cute mom i feel sorry for you
this thread is for the confessions of sins, not for bragging.
i think its a sin anyways, my mom isnt a strong character person and shes very tractable and nice, sometimes she cries over little things, i find that cute anyways, what im doing is abusing of my condition of son, also she has been single for a very very long time, so i dont know, i dont want to seek help because they will medicate me
I had a burger and fries yesterday, didnt get a soda though so I feel slightly better about it
Ate bread again
It’s over
Massive cheat weekend so far.
Quit keto after a month because I didn't want to go through carb flu a second time and feel like death again for another 4 days.
Ate 3 burritos for dinner and am on my 12th (no carb) beer.
I'll start a new diet tomorrow, promise.
Got a book "The Ultimate Bodybuilding Cookbook"; gonna follow the recipes in that
Ate a bowl of rice with cooked canned sardines in the morning and then age chicken and rice on bowl on noon, managed to say no to my family bringing pizza, i really need to stop eating dinner in the morning and eat light during evening.
Just got a Gargantuan from Jimmy John's despite cutting. Just.
I had to drink 300ml of Dr Pepper as I had 4.1mmol blood sugar and I feel disgusted.
T1d is suffering
Veeky Forums - Fitness
Yesterday I didn't go to the gym because a girl I was planing to go out today texted me to cancel. So I was too sad to lift
>a liter of soda
Why? If i drink something that is nothing but empty calories I go with liquor so at least I can forget what im doing to my gainz
there's no hope for this board anymore
what the fuck is "no carb beer"
halo top is worse than tranny porn or so I've heard
mfw never have a tractable mom
Decided to dip 3 biscuits into a glass of Barbera.... dipped 7 instead. Will cut on dinner. TOTALLY WORTH IT.
It's getting later and later and I still haven't worked out. I can't go tomorrow if I skip today.
i love the smell of period blood
How is a belly rub from your parent in any way uncomfortable or strange? Only Americans can be this stuck-up.
The penis thing is definitely fucked up.
I ate 200g of dates and 80g of chocolate before the gym :( help me
It's 6:30
move your ass out of that chair, now!
I am sitting on a couch though.
Give me advice, Veeky Forums, I can't decide. I've been doing hypertrophy these last 6 weeks, should I keep at it for another week until I move out of this city or should I switch back to strength now?
irrelevant if you don't go to the gym.
>tfw went to a strip club by myself for my 27th birthday last year
>really nervous so went and sat down in the area where you can order food, kind of like a cafe, in partially obstructed view of the main floor
>nervous as fuck
>waitress comes over, doesn't look like a stripper
>I look at the menu
>order a cheeseburger and fries
>cost: 36 dollars
>food comes, is really mediocre and tastes very average
>eat it nervously without once looking up from the table
>waitress comes back
>cheerily asks me if I enjoyed my food
>want to complain about the mediocre quality
>'i-i-i-t was like -m-m-m-cdonalds but at-t- least there the hamburglar doesnt rub his STDs in my face'
>she looks visible annoyed
>apologise and say it was a joke
>have been back every weekend since, for the same food, to prove I was not being rude to her
>tfw haven't even paid for a lap dance
I will, it's the fact I can't decide that's keeping me here.
The last time I went I had a shitty workout but managed to break some PRs in terms of reps at a certain weight, and I don't want to compromise that by failing to repeat that achievement today. It's giving me legit anxiety.
What the fuck should I do?
Big if true
I read the first line and knew this was going to be good.
I was not disappointed.
I liked the part where you were a total autist
is the waitress hot ?
btw y u no pay for the lap dance
Bout to eat a pizza, it's sitting in my fridge. Haven't had any pizza in 15 years.
My girl found some no cheese vegan pizzas a couple days ago. I told her I wasn't really interested, and that she could have them.
Fuck man, it's hard. They're calling me.
Just go to town on them, they'll be disgusting and you won't want pizza for another 15 years.
Planned out my workout, leaving right now. Got plans for strenght and hyper and will decide during warmup. We're all gonna make it!
I went to pick up a prescription yesterday, despite having already eaten, went out and got a 14" meatball sub and chocolate milk along with it. They're gone now.
I ate two whoppers, two sets of small fries, and two small dr. Peppers last night
I broke NoFap over thoughts of the fat girl at work.
I fapped twice last night.
on a 50 hour faste, aiming for 72 hours. i feel like going crazy after it ends, what food should i get?
I take statins for high cholesterol and weight is 250, blood pressure also spikes to 150/100 sometimes.
maybe ill try natural peanut butter instead of this skippy crap
>1 hour of weights/90 min of yoga each day
ive tried to remove all pleasure from my life in hopes of finding happiness in something
still alone and considering death.
No carb beer? So - everclear??
Liquor actively impedes protein synthesis. At least sugar just makes you fat and asplodes your organs.
I went to an all night cancer fundraiser. It was fun and we raised a lot of money, but that definitely did a number on my recovery. Plus a lot of junk food
Smucker's Natural
Get it.
what are you some faggot pedo state student
binged on candy bars and cookies yesterday. Went for a very long walk today to somewhat make up for it (it's rest day). Also keeping my calories reasonably low today to somewhat balance it out for the week.
I wanted to do a clean cut before easter so I can enjoy some homemade cake guilt free. Still gonna enjoy it when the day comes, but fuck.
my nigga
All you retards crying about pizza... If you can fit a pizza into your plan then what's the problem? Just tell yourself "I'm gonna eat pizza today" and plan accordingly.
Liter of soda however... Well... you're done OP.
>I have been lifting for almost 4 years now but only
>dl 460
>bench 280
>squat 375
>it's not for a lack of trying that I cant be better, I work my ass off but I guess I am just not meant for it
>still only 6'0 200lbs @15-16% bf even after 4 fucking years of training
>there are people on Veeky Forums who trained a year or so but look better and are stronger than me
>I dont know how to deal with this feel
whenever I get asked how long I train I try to play it down and say that I train 2y or less because I am ashamed. why do I have to be a failure at everything I do Veeky Forums ? why does it have to be this way...
i command thee to neck thy self
Dude you have good stats. Don't be down on yourself, you are strong as an ox. To hit the next level, you will need different programming. Maybe look into a strength coach if you are serious. Proud of you, dude.
the only people I know irl who bench over 265 without roids are powerlifters who compete
>whenever I get asked how long I train I try to play it down and say that I train 2y or less
they can tell you're a liar or assume fraud right away, stop doing it.
Went to the gym after all and decided to go back to strength training. PRs all around. FUCK YEAH.
Think I repented enough
my gym is closed for expansion, i have dumbbells and barbell at home but aren't using them... i will later or tomorrow, also i need to eat more.
please forgive me
I just fucked up hard after dieting and training like crazy by basically binge drinking vodka and eating pizza everyday for like 5 days.
And I looked surprisingly awesome the day after I decided to get my shit back together but now, two days later, I'm looking bloated as fuck.
I worked out for 45 minutes today.
But i think i ate like atleast 2000 cals today, just 3-4 bowls of rice and chicken throughout the day and about 4 boiled potatoes, 1 egg white.
I absolutely hate myself, i enjoy cooking for myself alone because it's for a single serve but if i do cook for the entire family i end up eating much more...
>didn't go to the gym since tuesday
>fapped to porn 3 times today
>ignoring my diet
you must now do the 20-rep squat program to repent
Let’s see
> haven’t gone to a gym in 2 weeks (sick)
> tried smoking (hurts, why do people do that?)
> still haven’t asked anyone out