Are above the knee rack pulls a meme?

are above the knee rack pulls a meme?

>3 inch rom
>get red as a tomato doing them
>wrists feel like theyre about to fall off
>feel like im about to burst a blood vessel

what advantage is there to doing them so high

Attached: 1478094572403.gif (500x500, 2.21M)

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you can move very heavy weights which is good for the egolifting crowd

Attached: 1517681333953.jpg (640x360, 29K)

i want to drum that ass like a bongo

Train your cns for deadlifts later on

Whore can’t dance, can only jiggle her holes.

grip work


no way im going to be able to hold on to 5 plates

she doesnt really have to do anything else

sounds like a personal problem

im fine with that
life is about enjoying the simple things
like benis in vergina