why not?
Thanks for the laugh user
I know, that flag is disgusting
all syntholfags are delusional disproportionate retards
Attention whore
look at his fucking hair too
Those inflamed arms man.. isnt that terrible for heart and blood pressure
Coping this hard
Why? Why not? Had this guy not done this to himself he would just be any old person, but I've seen him posted multiple times. What stupid people don't realise, is posting about them gives them the attention they seek.
kilo of fish oil a day
Synthol, never any definition.
Damn, contrapoints made some substantial gains.
El britanico....
This looks so retarded, he’s got no shoulders to speak of
Idk. I wonder every day why Veeky Forums glorifies synthol freaks
double digit IQ?
Did he put on the shirt before injecting?
el monstruo del slavo
Bceгдa былo интepecнo, чтo пpoиcхoдит y нeгo в гoлoвe
Sub 75 IQ and mental illness.
Hey, if giving stupid people a bit of attention inspires them to keeping doing really retarded things that fuck them up for life, I say give 'em more.
I doubt that he can even lift those. He's as dyel as they come.
What exercises would one have to do to achieve this mode?
he was on synthol?
While it was never proved, there's plenty of speculation about it. He actually used to look pretty good. Then he just bloated up, while seemingly staying at a similar bodyfat percentage. Saggy, disgusting arms that look like lifting a wet towel when he raised them
Is this the natty limit?
look at photos of his arms he definitely used SEs that or he had edema lol. his arms looked fucked up
His hands blew up.
Feels good. Even deleted his social media.
Could be u
For England, James?
He himself stated that.
Because he was lazy and weak and thought to himself for the hundredth time, "I just need this one thing then I can finally start to get my life back on track."
Yep, same with Shpak
Story behind this?
Why is his bicep smaller than his forearm, and already all stitched up before the implant?
thats surgery after it got infected
you must get out