Ok so I came to Veeky Forums 3 weekends ago after wandering away from /pol/ accidentally. I happen to just catch the start of the bch pump, to be honest I had no idea what was going on but was reading what you fags were saying so I happen to make a trading account on plus 500 ( i know it shit but I didnt know what I was doing) I was fucking around with the demo and seen bch going crazy and was like fuck i need to put real money on this. So I quickly made a real account and threw $150 on their, but like I said I really had no idea what I was doing, I brought in at first at $1050 and just kept buying and selling on dips and pumps, made an easy $600 (could have made alot more).
So the past 3 weeks I have been fucking around and making my accounts and been trading abit.
Now from what I see and hear this whole thing is happening again and I really want in on it, this time I know a bit more and will be better but I am wondering if any whales out their could help me out over the weekend please. I am ready to put what I have on this ( 11k) and make some good returns.
To be honest I really need this as I have had to take a 20k pay cut because I have had to care for my nephews for the past 9months and its really been a hard one on me ( I have no kids of my own).
I would just feel alot more comfy with it if I had a whale walking me through this, please help me slowly become one of yous, this could be my first step to making it.
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also, op is a fagot.
>also, op is a fagot.
Faggot thats not news to anyone
fuck off
You have no idea where you are do you. Whales like to fuck with bizraelis not help them.
>wandering away from /pol/ accidentally
That's how I got here too. So I'll give you a break. There are more kikes on this board than any other. And they WILL fuck you financially if you are not careful. Do your own research and if you are going to buy any kikecoins (((Zcash, Bancor, etc))) then make sure you buy low and sell as soon as you make any sort of a profit. Don't give them a cent. Because fuck those cunts.
I did kind of know that, but was hoping just one would have a soft spot to help me out with my future and what life has hand me in the last 9months
Thanks brother, and yes I have notice people trying ro fuck with me and my money since I have been here, im not to heavy invested, but ill admit i put some of that $600 i had on link to hodl, I didn't want to but thought if this bs was right its worth it kek. Also pissed I took what I had on powr early, but shit happens my friend, cant complain with making any profit. If was one of the first alts i brought then sold because I was a dumb cunt that didn't know shit..
15 year olds aren't allowed in crypto.
Fuck off kid
This isn't playtime anymore, there is no room for "soft spots" in this business. This is a zero sum game: in order for you to win, someone else must lose. Idiots like you who jump in, get lucky making small trades and then go full throttle with their life savings on the line are just food for the big fishes. Do your own research, pay attention, only bet what you're willing to lose, and if anyone comes up willing to help you make it big just turn around and walk away. They're snakes trying to rob you blind.
Also get away from /pol/, it's literally a retard factory.
never held it, and thank fuck for that. I don't trust it, but good luck. It actually might be as low as it can go.
Fucking bro idea!!!!!! Veeky Forums faggots dont work together very well from what I see, but you know who does when he rally together??? /pol/ maybe we can find more of us and make a discord and do this shit together and make killer cash. I reckon it would work my /pol/ brother
fuck off retard
Yeah i wasn't to sure on trusting it but I read around on other places and it seems like if that fat cunt isn't lieing and can pull it off, those link fags will be rich
1/3 BTC, 1/3 ETH, 1/3 XMR
If crypto bubble doesn't crash you 10 times your money. It's really that simple.
Lambo land is where you have to speculate on shitcoins. Don't do this unless you have extremely high risk tolerance. You can lose most of your money this way.
Suspected usury in progress, profit will change you as surely as propaganda. Welcome to the gilded dark side.
Thanks you my friend, will definitely listen to this, and what i have on shitcoin i really dont mind about losing it for the long shot and to be honest this racing session I have got many of long shots, best one was 101-1, got a few 50-1 and 40-1 and alot more 20-1. The horses and dogs have been very good to me last 3 months but I promised the wife no more after the melbourne cup
Mmmm your kinda right but not looking to make it off crypto, why to fucking risky, would be nice to make some good cash and use that to start working for myself
>way to risky
Also i live a good modest life, I make my 80k+ a year put a bit away to travel and work. Just having to care for my nephews has fucked me this year so bad, had to use a lot of my savings but I would spend it all for them to be honest
Well how about this, i know of a coin that is being released in two days. Looks fucking good, easy money like powr to be honest. Who hear can help me find where to fucking buy this coin when it comes out. Anyone ?, chat on discord about it because I haven't seen it being shilled here yet
What coin
Ill only say on discord bro
I have two ;), just dont know how obtain them once they are released and i want to be in with the first
how do i talk to you on discord
Guessing you don't have a discord then?
i do, but am i just gonna click my fingers and magick your username out of thin air lmao?
My bad dude, thought you would just send yours,
Leave you fucking retard
Thanks faggot
want easy cash?
>buy chainlink
>hold 3 mounth
10x money
Buy Confido
You'll thank me when you're in lamboland