>don't go to college
Why do idiots say this?
Don't go to college
Other urls found in this thread:
cause they are dumb or have a major in arts/philosphy/history/all that shit
40k into debt for a piece of paper
40k into debt for Link?
Ill take the Sergeys thank you
>hurr durr ill pretend ive made up my mind about the issue and make a thread about it at the same time.
im smarter than you, i have more money than you and i havent used my engineering degree for more than 3 months. dont go to college
Why don't you use it user? It's nobody's fault but your own.
Maybe he doesn't HAVE to use it, that might be his point.
It works for some people, it doesn't work for others. Plenty of smart people say to avoid it, because the truth is if you're really smart you'll figure out a way to make lots of money without a degree. Plenty of dumb people say to go because it got them their $120k job where they sit on facebook all day and take a break by looking at business cards with their "Senior assistant to the assistant Vice President administrative executive jr. assistant's intern" title printed so they can give it out that the bar and feel cool.
implying you can make 120k without a degree
School was a waste of my fucking time.
Because even idiots are right sometimes.
In a lot of European countries you get paid during college. If you live in such a country, then definitely go to study. Otherwise it depends.
easy now return to reddit.
They are right tho
College corrupts.
Everything past 8th grade was a massive waste
I'm sorry user for your pessimism.
Because degrees are worthless now. You were manipulated by the powers that be and now you have a useless piece of paper that cost you 50-200k.
Ever notice how the government started subsidizing higher education around the same time that there was a big societal push for everyone to go to college after high school? BBAs, MBAs, psych degrees. All this shit is USELESS because everyone in your field will have one. It is no longer a tool to set you apart from others.
ITT: people who are not going to make it
I'm sitting here with my engineering degree and wondering why I didn't get into crypto sooner. At least I have some income to spend. Will the dream of escaping wagecuck hell come true?
why spend $40k on knowledge you can learn for free from the library when you could spend that $40k on fake money
>tfw i'm almost done with med school
literally one of the few studies that's worth it, the other 99% is completely useless. i really hope crypto is going to make me filthy rich though, working fulltime as a doctor is a surefire way to go insane.
You can know everything about something but still have no certification.
Already made it, bud. School only slowed the process a few years...
Kek, no that's not worth it
Good thing I don't live in a shithole in the US.
Gonna git dat free degree yo.
Getting a degree is for ghetto retard niggers. Make over 85k working for distribution company no degree. Only degree worth getting maybe surgeon lawyer etc.
Who gives a fuck?
Learn for the benefit of yourself, not so other people can see that you have a piece of paper
Good luck getting a good job.
be a real winner...
went to school, got good work after a year, got piece of paper and no loan
>ah, so you learn for the benefit of yourself? wonderful. too bad we don't hire people without that useless piece of paper you don't have...
oh yes it is, stay salty.
I don't want a job. I'm making money for myself, and plan to keep it that way until I can be done for good at 30.
Enjoy the rat race.
This t b h
crypto for life man
Then tell them to fuck themselves and make it happen yourself.
> All this shit is USELESS because everyone in your field will have one. It is no longer a tool to set you apart from others.
so are high school diplomas useless too? everyone has one, they dont set you apart from others. they do however, show that youre not an illiterate retard who cant even read. same as a college degree. what do you want? people to hire other people on the good faith that they are not lying about their credencials? "I KNOW HOW TO BUILD A PLANE. DADDY TAUGHT ME" "YOURE HIRED MY GOOD SIR NO NEED FOR CREDENCIALS". fucking retard kys
Best advice...
1) Go to Community College right out of High School and complete all of the general bullshit courses that have nothing to do with your major - YOU WILL SAVE A TON OF MONEY
2) Now that you have all A's, transfer to the school of your choice (Community College is easy - if you don't have all A's at CC, then just learn a trade and don't continue)
3) MAJOR IN SOMETHING USEFUL - technical, financial, medical, law
You should only be getting a B.A. in a field THAT REQUIRES THE B.A. - Social Sciences, Communications, Lesbian African Trans Studies are all a waste of money
4) USE COLLEGE TO NETWORK - your goal should be to network, kiss ass, suck d*ck, whatever you have to do while IN college, so you have a job lined up by the time you graduate.
If you want to drink beer, smoke weed and fuck girls, you don't need to go to college for that.
5) Upon graduating and starting your new job, learn everything you can in your new wage slave position - THIS IS THE REAL COLLEGE EDUCATION
Make it your goal to learn the do's and dont's, the political bullshit, the work culture. You will learn more now than when you were in college.
Have a golden parachute exit plan by 30 or 35, so you can quit and work for yourself... unless you truly like working for someone else (and that's fine, some people do)
you can spend $80k to get brainwashed by kikes for 4 years or you can put 80k into crypto and wait 4 years.
and btw there is a tool to set you apart from others. its called grades you fucking imbecile
college is what you make of it.
most fresh outta high school kids who go straight into college are too stupid to make the most of it.
them's the facts
because its for cucks and real men start their own business
I skipped college and have no problems landing jobs. You're just retarded.
this is true. the amount of people that go to college just because, and end up dropping out is mind blowing. we do it a lot here in europe too, but in europe its cheap as fuck.
the problem is most people when they are 18 dont know what they want to do professionally and go to college with the same attitude as high school, as in "i have to do this bullshit" attitude. if you have this attitude, then college is not a good option economically speaking, but if you go to college with the mindset to study hard and be one of the best in the field, then it is in fact a good option.
It's crazy how much more motivated I was for college at 23 than I was at 18. If I started at 23 I probably would've gotten close to a 4.0
College degree is like any other investment. Is it going to be marketable, enjoyable enough for you, and set you apart? Then it's a good investment.
This is not the case for 75% of degrees and why the current system is basically a racket.
already "made it" and i'm not even 30. keep slaving away wagie, i pity you.
>get massively in debt for a worthless degree
Why do idiots say this?
Or just ignore all this and learn some programming at home. It's like 1 month to understand the basics and 1 easy language. After you get the feeling like: Wait a minute... I can do ANYTHING, I HAVE THE POWER BITCH.
Then... just do anything you want, cuz you're needed everywhere.
>paying for college
Americans are funny
I'm a PGY2. Life is good.
maybe its true
> massive debt
> 3-4 years
> everyone has a degree
>thinking everything is free
>pays massive taxes
you'll learn son
Too much money wasted. You could just learn from the internet whatever you want.
only go if you wanna work as a doctor, nurse, lawyer, accountant, actuary, statistician, engineer, professor, banker etc
because you can literally make more trading than you can with any normie job you can get from a degree at a college
because college is fucking boring and I make more money with my business than my friends who are still chasing their degrees ever will