Is he right?

Is he right?

>on cryptocurrency

This are new levels of memes and autism.

yeah stop what your doing

how do you know what im doing fag

your waiting for horriblesubs to upload shoujo shuumatsu ryokou
dont worry, i am too

I hope so

Accurate in pricing. 2017, 10k hmm one month left

>by Luka Magnotta
yeah no fuck off

Yes, ill have 70000 in 2021 yes!

Post is 4 yrs old and he nailed 2017

Its rel

oh my

I didn't know Mike Pence went on reddit

How the fuck?

he failed to inform that is bitcoin cash, not bitcoin legacy that is worth a million dollars 2021

segwitcoin is not bitcoin senpai

If BTC value is 1 million usd, then bitbean will be worth more than 1 dollar.

It would be funny that even bitbean had more purchasing power than a US fiat dollar

Fiatmarines BTFO

how big tx fee is going to be?

did he mention link? if not, I'm not reading that shit

The price prediction is accurate, we'll see by the end of 2017.

I'm likin' what I'm readin'.

My 1 BTC is gonna make me a rich ass baron some day. Gonna hold in my trezor until it happens.

top kek. No one here knows who that was.

> /r/bitcoin
> kys

uh huh. yeah, go horde some BCH. we'll see who wins in 2021, bro.

Did he talk about this?

You are small blip in history, the last linkie will have committed suicide before new years eve of 2017

Doesn't matter if BCH is a shitcoin or not. We all agree that r/bitcoin is a cancerous place and the shittiest crypto sub.

/r/btc is just as bad. You’re only kidding yourself if that toxic cesspool of astroturfers is any better than a censored circlejerk.

Wait isn't that the dude that killed a guy with an ice pick? What is going on?

>Start a nuclear war and wipe 90% of mankind in the hopes of stopping bitcoin
The absolute state of nocoiners

Talk about the ultimate cope.

cause I'm about to ruin, the image and the style that you're used to