Daily reminder Apple is now worth 600x what it ever was during the dotcom bubble

daily reminder Apple is now worth 600x what it ever was during the dotcom bubble

Who is this lovely couple?

ahhhh stop shilling mixed race couples.

I don't need to think about family right now.

power of black pussy...even a 9/10 chad can't resist.

That kid looks degenerate as fuck, race maxing is disgusting

Have to admit, it's hard to go back after dipping in chocolate,

you can spot the faint look of regret on his face.

pajeet ≠ chocolate

more like poo poo

Just fuck my genetic legacy up bro

i'd let that chad breed me

That guy's a 9/10? His face is fucky looking just like his wife's. Their kid looks like a mulatto. Disgusting.


>my genetic legacy

Why is everyone such a fucking narcissist

>daily reminder Apple invented the iPhone since the dotcom bubble

If you're on Veeky Forums you're most likely defective both physically and mentally.

Good goy, keep breeding with 80 IQ races so that my people can reign supreme.

Not rly true. This board is full of people getting rich and your just here defending the total annihilation of all white people. Or in case you didnt know, Europe and the US will be all brown people in 50 years.

>calls people goy
>doesn't realize that they want his lower-class primate self to keep breeding and forcing more consumers into the system

>your just here defending the total annihilation of all white people

The virgin neckbeards are doing that by themselves actually

What? I just said I want you to keep breeding with 80 IQ races. Why would you think I want you to stop breeding? That would eventually leave me with no labor force and AI is still just a meme for the foreseeable future.

kids looks like a chucky doll

No, retard. The jews want your poor ass to breed. Who else is going to buy their products?

kek, I'm jewish you moron.

yea thats true id have to agree lol. kinda a catch 22 where the white dudes are doing it to themselves but are also actually being cucked by feminism and shit at the same time.

God damn.. in all my days I thought id never see the white man so damn low.

>Their kid looks like a mulatto
>looks like

We could white wash the world of all dark males are killed off continually..

daily reminder crypto is worth more than wal-mart

kek, those are the people shilling LINK and BCH