Link is useless

How will deluded linkies ever cope with the fact that aeternity already does native oracles on their blockchain, has a higher market cap and has off-chain smart contracts.

LINK is effectively useless and isn't even first mover. Stay deluded.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stay poor

this link threads are annoying yet hillarious
it's link holders vs those tho sold bags
both pathetic

oh boy let me tell you how much of a brainlet you are and how poor you'll be compared to us in 2018/9

chainlink is like the final test sergey has given us to prove we are worthy of lambos. if you can't suffer through it you're probably just not man enough to get rich

aeternity wont have working smart contracts anytime soon let alone an entire network of decentralized oracles. Not to mention the fact that LINK works with different blockchains and that anyone who wants to use aeternity oracles would have to switch to their shitty blockchain which aint happening.

Point: Aeternity already does decentralized oracles and has a first mover advantage with higher market cap (=higher visibility)

Refute my point. Protip: You can't.

Linkies are literally deluded to the point that they're like a cult. Their coin will go down to $0.01 in value and soon and they'll still be like "JUST WAIT user, ILL BE BUYING A LAMBO AND A MANSION" meanwhile BTC goes above $10k

his not worthy of spoon feeding, let him buy his aeternity, which has like 15 competitors in the top100 alone, kek
smart money has been on LINK since day 1

You are right, we cannot refute your point.
Just buy aeternity, it's the right choice, you don't have any doubts, do you?

aeternity only works with its own shitty blockchain. LINK works with BTC, ETH, and hyperledger.

>already does decentralized oracles
Do they? Right now? Do they even have their blockchain running yet? Show me.

they dont have shit. refer to my post above

absolute state of nolinks, literally subhuman

Stay poor, OP.
>Rent free

Because nobody is going to end up using aeternity?

sergey has Swift Uprising in his back pocket you nigger. its his secret rare spell card that BTFO all oracle types on the field and in your hand, then gives sergey 500 lifepoints for each card destroyed

so 2 CTO officers bailed...

have fun with aeternity, bro.

Wow...I didnt realize aeternity was such a shit-show. So they literally dont even have their own blockchain yet, let alone smart contracts, let alone a network of decentralized oracles. Is this a fucking ERC20 token? Why would anyone buy this are you guys this retarded or what

Fucking Joel. Get your shit together Joel.

Ok, now, since OP faggot has been BTFO already, I'm taking over this thread, post your ranks, share stories, let OP be a cuck

Going from that to this is a sign that the project is not going well. He is clearly drinking too much and stress eating.




Trips confirm it, this is now a LINK thread.
First Lieutenant reporting in.

Here's the real one

Will hold the line in the meantime, get back soon

wish you a good retirement in 2019 Lieutenant

try harder, you are one of those who never made it to cool kids in highschool despite many desperate attempts

You realize after the main net is up and running Q1 2018, they will be able to use their oracle protocol in other cases (btc, eth etc).

Plus Oracle Chain is a direct competitor to ChainLink.

>how will deluded linkies ever cope with the fact that LITERAL WHO

Rent free

Major faggot reporting for duty. You'll never get my links loser

reminder that we're all going to make it

logo looks like a twisted penis....

You are an idiot. Aeternity is shit and you know it. As far as oracle chain, it looks like they wont even have their network running until mid 2019 (if they're lucky) and they dont have big business interest like chainlink does. Also their website looks like absolute shit.

LINK is a great litmus test for how bubbly the market is. If it goes up, I get nervous, because I know how useless it is.

You realize that LINK is one of the only tokens right now that actually DOES have a use? Point me in the direction of your finest non-shit coin please. Let's compare LINK to what you think is a good coin.

Majority of the tech was developed and coded by a former founding member of Ethereum. Its a legit project, your brain just can't comprehend it

Say deluded Linkie

>network running until mid 2019
Whats the rush? It's not like blockchain technology is going to suddenly experience widespread use any time soon.

If it's so great why did 2 CTO's leave already within such a short time frame? Why do we need ANOTHER useless blockchain developed from scratch? It's a fucking ERC20 money-grab and you just dont see it.

The whole point is to get in BEFORE mainstream adoption occurs. It's where the money is made. You didnt refute my point about Oracle chain being shit with no company interest, a shitty looking website, and a product that is nowhere near ready

most investors like to see a working product. believe it or not, biztard

show me evidence of company interest for ChainLink. I mean "We have talked to XY Company and are testing our product with them" or "XY company would like to work with us once a product is developed"

>ERC20 money-grab

Yet they will have a working MainNet in Q1 2018. Tell me more about Link's transfer to GO. Delayed how long? Your founder barely can say his own company's Chain Link in a presentation

>show me evidence of company interest for ChainLink
Are fucking kidding me. You CAN NOT be fucking serious mate.

hahaha cuck

wrong photo

>The whole point is to get in BEFORE mainstream adoption occurs
What massively successful companies today where the first to market for their product?

>You didnt refute
Because I didn't quote or even read that part retard.

>he doesn't even know about SIBOS
are noLINKers even human?

and I've only seen scamcoins listed on DEX. is that even a real exchange?

>he said blockchain it must be Chain Link!


confido is going to incorporate chainlink in their project m8.



>Dcentralized exchanges are not the future with the SEC breathing down the necks of every Centralized Exchanges

How much revenue is projected from these agreements?

HCL (speculation)

There's no projection dude the network isn't even up yet. That's the whole point is to buy BEFORE it takes off. I've got a lot more of these screenshots of different companies that are waiting for the main net to launch so they can implement but ot takes 60 seconds between each post and I don't care to convince you anymore. Stay poor faggot

Based on this. When the Main Net launches, your telling me, all these partnerships will materialize?lol

They arent "partnerships" dumbass. These companies will be USERS of the chainlinks oracle network. You guys are all so hung up on this "partner" thing that you are missing the bigger picture. And yes, if you can read the few screenshots that i did post and did any research whatsoever you would see that there are a bunch of companies and projects that NEED oracles and are waiting on chainlink so they can hop on board. You'll be giving sad handjobs behind the dumpster for crack money for the rest of your life because you were too stupid to buy LINK. stay poor faggot

> founding member of ethereum
Are you talking about the "godfather of ethereum" a.k.a Yanislav "I beat up my CTO with a belt" Malahov ? He ain't a coder... Check out what happened to Zach mate


Got you covered Captain.

+ Officer Ranks
- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 75001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
+ Non-Commissioned Officer Ranks
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
+ Enlisted Ranks
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

Risky, but perhaps it will pay off.

Indeed it is, ambush paid off, this is now our trench. Pile the FUDders a mile high, take no prisoners.

Iron Clad Marine. FUD your hardest but LINK community is best community.

Keystone of the LINK community. And everytine you post nolinkies cry a little harder.

Check out their "team restructuring" announcement - it might be a sign that the ae logo is in a certain shade of pink reminiscent of a pink wojack

that shirts about to bust open.