My hands are getting weaker guys

my hands are getting weaker guys....

> be OP
> hodl Ark

Nice larp...

What does this crypto offer that others don't?

Been making around $100 a month holding ark in wallet. Holding since 40 cents.

not a bad deal, lad.

Not this meme. I don't have any ark yet.

Ark is not a get rich quick scheme. Ever Arkie knows that, Ark is much more than that. Ark is a lifestyle. It's a way of life. We Arkies love our precious Arks no matter what satoshi or fiat numbers are assigned to it.

fucking everything

-best wallet
-all wallets are light wallets
-fast transaction times
-dpos staking = least involved, no bullshit staking
-huge, huge roadmaps

Dude the wallet is really nice, and it's coded in javascript!!

you can't be serious m8
Is it a cult?

This desu

Ark is the greatest cult/support group I've ever decided to buy into to.

100% deluded

Nobody cares about you anymore ARKies. Your use case, connecting the blockchains together? Nobody cares about that. There's only going to be like 10 top coins to worry about. We don't need some cuck coin hanging around whose only purpose is "connecting the blockchains".

Robin. Williams. Yourselves.

And what are those 10 coins?

Once they release ArkVM Q1 next year they'll have smart contracts and instead of "Ark tokens" relying on the Ark blockchain like Eth tokens do with the Eth blockchain, they'll have their own individual dpos blockchain.

You bet your ass it is a cult. If you mess with my fellow Arkssociate you mess with the Order of the Imperial Arkies.

I love this board so much.

It's going to be a while before ARK does anything honestly

this is what people was telling when the internet came out you don't need search engines like google there is only 10 websites also smart bridging is just a side project of ark

Good, I need time to accumulate before this shit becomes ETH.

well, you probably have 6+ months :)

If it could hold at sub $4 for 6mo that's all I could really realistically ask for desu.

It'll probably be forgotten, knocked out of the top 30 spot since investors aren't interested in it much. Look whats happening to NEO even with their new ICOs on their platofrm NEO stuggles to maintain its price.

Hoping for a sleeping giant scenario. Hopefully it doesn't sleep its way into an unknown grave though.

They've released some updates on their wallets and how much they're progressing, they've giving everything out and no suprises for investors to fomo in so unless something big happens I doubt ARK will keep its price. I'll buy some ARK when it comes down to around 30k sats, is what I predict then it'll rebound from there on.

I currently have nothing in crypto I want to reallocate to Ark, anything I put into it from now will be from fiat, so its sat count doesn't bother me too much.

Ark Life ain’t no strife

Oh thy Ark, thy Holy Ark.
Blessed art though, the saviour of the Damned.
Cometh forth into the Light.
And be cleansed from Darkness and wash away your Sin.
Feed upon thy bosom of creation and be forever linked.
Linked within the Arknet of Time and Space.
Oh thy Ark, thy Holy Ark.
Forgotten, you will never be.

ARK had the most predictable fractal chart I've ever seen. The next moon will be a super moon. Neo status.

what's the point? you LITERALLY can't cash out...

you think it'd be dangerous to ride the eth train up in the next 2-3 days?

2 or 3 days more is too long. ETH has already had a monster run for the past 2 days. Coins usually have 3 huge days before a pullback. Take a look at a 1 day chart, it looks pretty parabolic. However there could be room for 1 more squeeze day. Not really worth getting in now for longer term holding.

I expect massive selling at 500. I'll be selling a bit at 500. If we get through that and sustain it then tomorrow there will probably be another run but I'm not expecting much.

Green lines are where I have my buy orders set

Haven't you heard yet about the load and savior AION?

buying that tasty dip mmm
