ITT: we make fun of how smart cryptocucks think they are

Literally impossible to replicate the total amount of return the stock market has had over time. Crypto doesn't come close. Literally not a single valuation method comes close.

If you think crypto is the next way to get rich then congrats, you've been had. Most people on here are overweight autists who are either A) lying or B) are counting "future returns" when they claim they retired at age 16 or something.

It is literally mathematically impossible to derive value from phantom currency, and it's all worthless. So congratulate your nearest autist in search of a high return from his basement. He could've just gotten good returns from the market but he decided to get cucked instead.

The absolute state of nocoiners

I feel sorry for you.

>Comparing 70 years of the stock market, to 2 years of crypto.

Sorry user, hate to break it to you, but the only retarded one here is you

Such a dumb post and a waste of time. We don't need to debate this. You can look at coinmarketcap and see how much money is being made every day from coin price increases.

Right now you can put money in the system, profit from not being an idiot with shitcoins and timing, and cash out whenever you want.

Can't argue it's a scam or worthless if people are literally making tons of money every minute.

that whooshing sound is the point, way over your head

no one here's debating anything because I'm objectively correct, sorry to hurt your feelings autist.

>people making tons of money
>no proof, no evidence, ignorant of fact

You forgot to mention that you can't even cash out. There's no point to crypto unless you get off to random numbers

Probably a troll, but I can see you aren't a finance major or you would have been taught "greater fool theory" which says you can still make money of shit securities (but they are risky).

Also. Chinese gold world of warcraft would disagree with you and that shit is not backed by a blockchain and they got rich off that shit (like Marquee Dragon).

I'm well aware of the greater fool theory. It doesn't apply here. Educate yourself before returning.

>tfw when the "next big thing" that was gonna get me out of my parents basement leaves me in my parents basement and relegates me to my geek squad job

What point is to be made? I made more gains in crypto in 2 weeks than I have in 2 years of traditional index funds. Inbefore crypto crash. Its all luck, if you just got into the stock market in 2008 before the big crash, then you would be fucked. This is the mania stage of a new market, where millionaires are made.

Anyway, you're a troll so that is all I will say. You can't possible be this retarded, but then again this is biz

Chinese video game currency farmers made millions of dollars selling game currency to Americans.

Freemium games do it all the time. I'm not sure what your point is. I own stock and Crypto and my Crypto is up. I could sell now in my US Exchange (which has a Bitcoin License regulated by the government).

>being this stupid
no new market here, nothing to be had. You've been had shill. I like my nuggets extra crispy.

Totally agree with you, but the biggest flow of crypto is that you can't even cash out

>greater fool theory
>doesn't apply here
oh god i am laughing
humble yourself some, faggot

>oh god i spell words and i feel smart

typical Veeky Forums stupid. Are you one of those "I skipped college to be an entrepreneur" types? You're a real shawn parker. I like my frappucinos with chocolate sprinkles.

>yhurr durr, why duz this thing cost moneyz,.
>i don understand, how can u guise make moneysz out of 0's and 1's i dont get it you,
>u must ber larpping

Cope moar


have you ever penetrated a vagina that didn't have a cooling fan behind it

>So congratulate your nearest autist in search of a high return from his basement.
Congratulations OP.

I've gotten returns from things of value guy. Keep searching for that "next big thing." And don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Holy shit are there really this many fucking dumb nigger on biz? If you want ur precious FIAT get the fees fucked out of ur ass at coinbase and u can have all the monies u could need for a monthly basis. You are all either too stupid, too nigger or too much of a fucking boomer to think that "internet monies" is fake, its real and one is worth 8k. Fuckoff.

I turned 3k from student loan refunds into 80k over the span of 6 months. Didn't read a word past the title.

this desu. No need to be mad.

literally not possible. Shill. Cryptocuck. You get the idea. You people make it too easy.