>Already worth more than Bitcoin Gold and most shitcoins.
>Third fork is best fork.
>Will pump bigly.
>For every BTC you have you get ten BCD.
>Cashtards didn't get any.
>Probably can sell to Koreans way above market value if you time it right, as some were able to do with Bitcoin Gold last night.
>But why sell, it's going to overtake BTC.
>Fast private transactions
>Bigger blocks and Segwit
>Lower transaction fees
>Obviously what Satoshi really wanted. Deal with it.
>Will enrage shitcoiners who watch it pump. Assume everyone who hates on it is a nocoiner shitcoiner shill.
>Diamond Dog master race can't be fazed. We will meme DBC into supremacy.

Other urls found in this thread:


How will cashcucks even be able to compete? They are just another fork, while BCD is Satoshi's true intent.


when the fuck is the fork today

Is bcc going to go up or down?

Fork happened, I have my BCD

When is it going on Bithumb?

I wanna cash in on Koreans again



this coin came out today? wtf?

btcd.io/ to checkout which exchanges and wallets support it. Of course the support will only go up, it just forked last night.

>BCC mooned
>BTG mooned

Why wont BTD moon as well?


>bitcoin diamond today
>bitcoin silver next

Bitcoin platinum when bois?

Hope Bittrex adds support so I can get more BTC off of retards

All the wallets seem to be mobile wallets, I don't trust mobile wallets. Hoping ledger will add support before this falls to zero.

I wonder if normiebase will support this beast

Fork Fatigue

They don't deal in shitcoins.

Its already at moon, its worth more than BTG when you remember that for every bitcoin you had you got 10 bitcoin diamonds.

Was this automatic? I don't remember buying BCD.

that's how a fork works... in this case it was 10 bcd for every btc you had.

Obsidian ready to rape dog Bitcoin Gold.
>Buy Obsidian
>Rape dog get BTC gold
Dogecoin never feels the same

I am glad that there are retarded bots out there willing to buy my hundreds of BCD.