>35 % ETH
>35% POWR
>20% XMR
>10% BTC
Is my portfolio comfy or is it aussie comfy? Enjoying saturday morning at coogee beach! Shoutout to all aussir anons!
>35 % ETH
>35% POWR
>20% XMR
>10% BTC
Is my portfolio comfy or is it aussie comfy? Enjoying saturday morning at coogee beach! Shoutout to all aussir anons!
any portfolio that isn't btc majority isn't comfy
post your block, i was at coogee beach a few days ago and i want to make sure i'm king of the beach
I see perth still has hotties
>40% HST
>30% IOTA
>20% SPANK
>10% MANA
I pretty much just gambled on MANA, I regret it already.
Switch POWR with BTC and it's okish. As it is it's trash.
This is sydney mate
What... no powr?
On the way there right now user with 113% HST gains
Enjoy yer day at the beach mate. Been a wild ride this week with PBC and Tether hack news. We come back fully recharged to make more gainz next week
any aussies with much LINK? i want to know if there are some fellow linkbros downunder
enjoy the weather man, im in melbourne and its raining here still
Why Spank?/
I know you aussie boys love a good lair up in Thailand, why aren't you balls deep in OMG. Lovin this pre summer weather in NZ right now
Fuuarrrk Straya cunts. Fuaarrkkkk Zyzz Brah.
Enjoy the bag.
How can it be aussie comfy without HST. POWR has had its moon mission, jumo on the next one, HST, before it takes off
Fuck yeah boys, Any QLD faggots here? Zyzz brah
it is not fucking raining
Whats happenin up north
liar, there's nothing but cloudlets out there today
it was thunderstorms last night and cloudy this morning when i woke up so i thought it was going to rain again you persistent fucks
I'm heavy in LINK. Might be a long hold.