Wasn't operation dragonslayer today?

Wasn't operation dragonslayer today?
What happened?
Bought bcash at 0.2. Sell or wait? Seems like it's going down and down and down

Are they going to add bcd to bithumb?

uptrend right now, you missed the dip

Starting to look like there won't be a massive attack event consisting of large amount of BTC dumping with BCH buying, if that was going to happen if should've happened as close to the difficulty adjustment as possible.

That it hasn't probably means the only danger for btc is a slow organic loss of hash power as BCH increases in value from natural utility and BTC decreases in value from the lack thereof. Or in other words "business as usual" and we get to see which side the market actually values on merit over time.

That's fair enough.

operation dragon slayer is supposed to be tomorrow, the 25th. relax. The attack is coming.

Has difficulty adjusted yet? Sorry for being a brainlet

Yes. It's not about the difficulty though.

today is the 25th in gookland

Why would they do it then instead of right at the difficulty adjustment to maximise the 2016 block time?

When does that happen

Is Operation Dragonslayer for Pedos? Fuck outta here with that pic


how many bcashes for this semen demon

your just a faggot user

where did you get that info? clearly everyone here and on reddit was expecting it today. source?

You're fucked if you don't sell in 2 hours.

If you think that inocent picture has anything to do with pedos i think your projecting user. I think you are a pedo.

It's already happened a few hours ago now.

Every hour that passes without the speculated activity make it less likely this was for real.

becaue its tanking? or after a huge pump?

its pumping now. crazy rise!

LARP forum. Kek.

that's a dude


How to spot the third-world shill
