when is this shitcoin going to moon?
When is this shitcoin going to moon?
You missed your chance senpai. It's as high as it'll ever get.
Never, dragon won.
Dragon did not win. Dragon just didn't get immediately slaughtered out of the gate.
It's probably a long war of attrition now as the abbsence of a shock and awe pump of BCH coupled with a dump of BTC after the difficulty adjustment makes it unlikely it's going to happen at all.
Probably just business as usual from here and we get to see if BCH can beat BTC fair and square in an open market based on the merits and drawbacks of both approaches, with BTC having the momentum from the ticker and branding.
watch average tx fees on btc core.
with btc also not being controlled by 1 chink prick
Never. Operation dragonfaggot was a dud made to sow FUD and boot the weak hands out of the game. It's all downhill from now.
no just controlled by 1 neckbeard prick.
>difficulty adjustment
>BCH doesnt rise to 2000k in an instant
>mempool is not spammed
>Operation Dragonslayer is a failure
>BCH corrects
>hits a brand new floor, 1500
>rallys all night. 1700 is my guess.
And you know what I'm actually not going to leave it at that because this fucking ignorance pisses me off.
Miners have no special license at all. You want to compete with a miner all you have to do is provide more efficient proof of work and you can drive them out of business, they have no political position, no license over the deployment of proof of work, no control of media channels around the discussion of efficient mechanisms to provide proof of work. All they have is their ability to provide proof of work, and anyone at all can compete with them.
Further, even in the event that someone turns out to be ridiculously efficient at providing proof of work such that they control a significant portion of the proof of work being produced at any point in time, if they act against the interests of the system, they directly damage their investment because their returns are directly linked to the provision of proof of work which in turn secures the blockchain.
By contrast, the core dev team is completely controlled, has massive fiat investments and therefore obligations to parties whose interests would be enormously damaged by the wide scale deployment of cryptocurrency, has adopted an architecture which prevents exactly that enormous deployment, and are entwined with a business entity that has out loud on multiple occasions admitted that it is is in its interests that on chain transaction throughput is as limited as possible because they intend to turn a profit for charging tolls on sidechains.
Further, they have seized control of the major media channels for discussion of the topic and implement narrative control by simply censoring anyone that contradicts what they say.
And last of all, they have never offered even a single technically valid reason for any of this.
If you, knowing all of the above, ignore it all and just say "BUT THAT GUY IS WHITE AND THAT GUY IS A CHINK" you are a fucking shitstain and should just kys.
If you don’t think that Ver and Jihan have done these things you’re an idiot. Both sides have negative actors and anyone saying otherwise is a paid shill.
Never you dumb Faggot. It's a shitcoin counterfeit.
Ver and Wu have not worked against the interests of the system. They aligned themselves with those interests and worked for them, because it was also in their interests to do so.
Core aligned themselves *against* the interests of the system, and subverted the penalties for doing so by creating channels outside the system whereby they still manage to get rich off that subversion.
Core work in their own interests and against the interests of the rest of the ecosystem, in turn violating nakamoto consensus.
Anti-core work in their own interests also, but have just aligned them with the system instead.
I agree with you bro, but cool it with the reddit spacing, this isn't r/btc
Look how it's steady even though people have been selling for hours. Literally hundreds of BCH has been purchased to keep it up here.
They are working in the best interest of who, exactly? You say for the system but these are people who want all on chain scaling through their centralized mining nodes. Wake up. Some people are actually fine trusting 100+ community members in development vs 15. Keep shilling cash but don’t act like it’s in the best interest of everyone because it’s not.
The best interest of the ecosystem as a whole would have been to maintain the Bitcoin status quo as-is for the last 8 years and just marginally increase the blocksize and that's it. It is Core being radical with design changes like off-chain transactions and POW algo changes. It won't be long until they support changing the 21m supply limit as well at the rate their going.
You're flatly wrong. On chain scaling was the original design, and there's nothing about the design that privileges centralised actors. Provision of proof of work is all that matters. If Ha Long mining isn't a hoax, then GMO and DMM mining definitely isn't a hoax, and Bitmain will need to compete or lose their position, but the end result is that there's no special privileges or free lunch for miners, period. That's just complete bullshit pushed by core to convince idiots like you that you're fighting the good fight at the same time you don a stormtrooper uniform and shoot at the actual rebels.
You are a useful idiot. Nothing more and nothing less.
Aha, I called the floor.
BTC refused to go down so BCH is gonna start falling again in the coming days
>trusting 100+ community members in development
>vs 15
Wait, which one are you talking about again? Because if anything, BTC is the one with centralised dev team.
I made a little graph. BTC will correct soon and will kick off the BCH moon. BCH is behaving just like it did last pump and BTC will correct like it did months ago.
Also if you want to throw me some BCH you little nigglets:
I've been waiting since thursday for the correction.
i doubt it'll happen
I’m sorry but satoshis vision is irrelevant. If you really think that on chain to GB blocks is a good thing you are an idiot. Call me an idiot but how much work exactly is being done on cash? Ah not much. What advantages does it have over alts? Ah the bitcoin name. What happens if it dethrones Bitcoin? Ah no faith in bitcoin for the layman.
>how much work exactly is being done on cash? Ah not much
corecucks love spouting this meme, but BCH has only existed for four months and has already had a hard fork upgrade, and they have graphene in the works too, which is an on-chain version of lightning
I put your rant on text-to-speech. It sounded like a pile of poo with nothing of value said.
It’s not a meme. Oh a hard fork? Remember the community response? Hurr durr no consensus just ABC pushing their agenda.
BCH is 8mb blocks not 1gb, this is like saying because it would be bad for me to instantly consume an ocean's worth of pure oxygen I should stop breathing. You are a fuckwit.
Exactly how much work is being done on cash is irrelevant when the work being done on core is specifically designed to keep the system crippleware to not rock the boat in the global economy.
The advantage it has over alts is orders of magnitude more potential proof of work, which is the armour that keeps a blockchain tamperproof, as well as the actual result encompassed in the ledger of the valuable past nine years accruing and controlling financial resources in a system with an actual meaningful hard supply and limit. Alts have neither of these things, BTC has both, but BTC is being purposely kept as crippleware while BCH is not and has plans to become even better, like adopting the fungibility techniques from XMR etc as well as scaling methods like graphene and any other actually deployable useful production scaling technologies that actually work.
Laymen don't matter. When laymen try to play in this space they just end up like you. Useful idiots that have no idea what's going on and instead loudly yell bullshit stinking up the atmosphere with meaningless talking points they've heard but did not understand.
are you retarded? it just 3x'd
End up just like me? How’s that? My portfolio is in both. I’m a holder. It doesn’t matter if bch wins I’ll have the same damn amount. GB blocks are in bch future. That’s too much for a standard home connection. And you realize how much the hash rate has changed? With current network rates that work can be undone in a year. Nice try though with your super secure ledger.
Holder or not, you're a fucking idiot. "n block size is in x future" is a completely irrelevant point when discussing present block size. On top of that what you said isn't even fucking true, plenty of home connections around the world could handle GB blocks, that's not even 14mbps.
As for what you said about hash rates you don't seem to realise it doesn't make syntactical sense. I'd be utterly unsurprised if you thought hash rates meant how many fucking cones you smoke a week.
The truth is you have no idea what you're talking about and are just regurgitating shit you've heard.