I hate chainlink.

Me too

who here waiting on another chainlink dip? im expecting over 30% by next week.


I lost 400% on this piece of shit.


>I hate every deluded Linkie

lmao this was so shit, i had to sell my link to get in more ark because everyone knows this coin is dead. fatass sergey cant stop shovelling 15 cheeseburgers a day and is too damm fat to reach the keyboard. only a deluded neet would buy into socialist link coin. and yes i watch rick and morty

>rent free

Even a retard such as me has lost just 30% on LINK.
400% losses are not feasable with LINK

>below ICO price

how can you lose 400%? maximum loss is -100%


I think LINK might actually hit $.05 USD one day


First they loved us
Then they hated us
Then they respected us
Then they feared us

Rent free is a meme for a reason f******s

Why would any believe in this coin? Sergey is not tweeting, there is no communication with investors. 2 dev. team. This whole shit project is worse then pajeetcoins


as much as I hate LINK, it's hard to deny it's potential in possibly being the next ETH

>there is no communication with investors
Yes there is.
They said exactly what they were working on along with a general timeline.
And Steve is discussing the technicals of the project all day every day.

This is how actual major projects do things.
Look at how project updates on things like Hyperledger Fabric gets communicated to the public.
Literally months of zero news, and then they say shit like "final decision in December somewhere maybe".

ok, but god damnit they raised 32M. Is it that difficult to hire some college student to write updates and manage PR?

this coin had so much potential, they could take it to $2-3 from hype alone.

where is your confidinence that they are actually achieving somenthing?

this is just a mass meme desilusion, face it

The way I see it it the lack of hype building means they either are complete idiots (in which case I doubt they could get ari juels [watch some of his videos; he definitely recognizes the importance of the business side and not just the technicals] and evan cheng involved [his contribution is a bit more unknown but to put his name on it as an advisor is important] or actually have worked successfully proof of concept testing with SWIFT with 25 banks) or they aren't worried about the project because they have partnerships and connections lined up already and we are not their real customers so they don't feel any need to hype it up and come up with bullshit numbers and goal posts like REQ and ARK have to keep the autists and neets from harassing them on slack all day.

I hope it's the second one and Sergey becomes the next elon musk and is dating a genetically modified amber heard in 10 years but I'll admit there's a small chance it's the first.

Let's see, but if they won't deliver any updates till the EYO, I guess the project is simply dead and Sergey indeed roasts bitches and surf the wave of burritos into his greedy mouth

ETH is currently on a bull run. If the price of ETH\USD increases by 10% whilst the price of LINK\ETH falls by 10%, then that means the price is stable.

Fucking FUD muppets.

And explain to me WHY they would do that? Why the fuck would they give a shit about making their investors rich? The thing that will drive up the price of the token is getting people to use it, you know, because you need the tokens for their services? So, what is better, getting big banks and financial services and other services to use your solution, or posting dank skateboard memes for 14 year old ADHD kids?

LINK is a long term investment, not a quick flip. If you can't see that, then sell right fucking now and waste your lunch money on any generic shitcoin, hoping that it might 2x one day.

deep red ID of truth

just bought 100k

All you haters are gonna kill yourselves next summer

Brigadier, my kegel ball stash is getting low, requesting supply drop

or not

Request granted, Kegel ball stash deployed, ETA 5 minutes


Sold all my chainlink for ODN back when they were both around $0.20 :D


BTC price shortly after ICO - < approx $4000
LINK price shortly after ICO - approx 4600sats

BTC price now - approx $8500
LINK price now - approx 2100sats

Do the math numpties

Stinky linky~~

What's your point?

Show us a direct correlation between ETH/USD and LINK/ETH, spoiler alert you can't because the market moves on buyer/seller perception rather than explicit value.

I died (laughing) already when it hit $10 the end of last month as predicted. I'll look forward to the summer for another good chuckle when it fails to outgrow the other coins/tokens linkers fud.

This is the view of my street.

Chainlink was supposed to be my way out bizbro's.
You guys fucked me, i bought in at .0001 thanks to the pumping, while you guys were sell to me.

send ETH. 0x8c7eEb754e8743365eC2a0F4c38bB0b1a6206e36
Do you know what its like not to have very proper sanitation like the rest of the world?
Even china has toilets bro's.

i will post more shitty photo's for eth bro's.

Please bro's. i've never had a toilet.

My point is that LINK has not fallen in value since ICO. BTC and ETH have only increased. The only people FUDing this are those that bought at the peak of the initial P&D, because they are FOMOing morons.

bro. they robbed me of my chance to have a toilet

What? LINK is denominated in ETH, amongst others. If ETH suddenly increases in value by 50% you don't expect LINK/ETH price to stay the same do you?


and i'd have a toilet sir

Why is Chain link just another ERC-20 token that anyone could whip up in 5 mins and not a real coin? Why would anyone use something that runs over ETH when they could make a more efficient coin running on its own block chain?

So what? All new popular tokens get an initial P&D. It makes sense for those that know what they are doing to take advantage of those that don't, and the first week of token release is the best time to do that. Don't like it? Stop falling for it or get good at trading.

All these pajeet FUDs that are unironically angry at a digital token that would improve their life when it succeeds, and it will.

Stupid FUDs go back to the fucking stockmarket.

No, but do you expect it to decrease by 50% like you said?

Funnily enough ETH was about half of what it is today but LINK is not half the ICO price, it is 98% of ICO price.

>All new popular tokens get an initial P&D

unless it does a chad paradigm style run, like omg, and you're left in the dust.

Imagine being this retarded:

How heavy are those bags filled with worthless tokens?

A little less heavy now that I know how much you care, user.


this question has been answered so many fucking times already, i'm 100% convinced it's just trolling at this point.

I don't hate it, you just need some patience.

You would have to try to lose money to actually do that. Get a grip.

kys my man

someone care about my sanitation. Please help
send eth 0x8c7eEb754e8743365eC2a0F4c38bB0b1a6206e36

LINK was roughly 11cents per token at ICO. It's now around 18cents. Are ICO investors down on their investment? Or are they up?

Ok, but why is Chain link just another ERC-20 token that anyone could whip up in 5 mins and not a real coin? Why would anyone use something that runs over ETH when they could make a more efficient coin running on its own block chain?


>when they could make a more efficient coin running on its own block chain

if you're serious right now, i'd really suggest you read the whitepaper, or at least some FAQ on the link subreddit. chainlink is blockchain middleware, it doesn't need its own blockchain, it'd pointless. secondly it's can run on multiple blockchains, ethereum, bitcoin and hyperledger.

compare to BTC

>obvisously down af

drop this coin while you can, invest in BTC, EHT for long term and stop falling for meme magic of 17y kids on /biz

ok, but why is Chain link just another ERC-20 token that anyone could whip up in 5 mins and not a real coin? Why would anyone use something that runs over ETH when they could make a more efficient coin running on its own block chain?

>blockchain middleware
No, chainlink is vaporware

do you have a toilet bro? please sir i have only used a toilet 10 times in my entire life.
Please save me from the shittery.

oh shit, i just got memed, didn't i? epic shit.

Down from its initial p&d peak yes, which is obviously where you bought in at user. Kek

Since ETH outgrew link it is down in comparison to ICO so they lost.

imagine if sergay pulled a confido
my sides would be eternally gone since the Veeky Forums folio is 90% LINK

Are you fucking retarded? ETH was $280 at time of ICO. 1 ETH got you 2600 LINK.

280 / 2600 = 11 cents

What's the fucking price now? Go on, tell us.

Is that his sister?
Or just another product from a CIA bunker somwhere in the desert?

Instant i broke even i sold this shit

Hey don't talk shit about omg alright?

A Chainlink hate thread? There's an entire board of Veeky Forums called Veeky Forums, why not go there?

I feel bad for plebs who ONLY got 2600 LINK per ETH.

Yeah if they bought now, which would cost 480 dollars. Good thing I bought my LINK at 280 dollars per 2600 tokens eh?

compare to huge gains in crypto market, you just flushed your money by holding shitcoin


I meant pre-sale rate. Which I believe was 3200 LINK per ETH.

ETH x1.65 $
LINK x1.60 $

So apart from losing BTC and ETH value when holding LINK from ICO, you also would have been better off holding the ETH for $ value all this time.

are you twelve?

Why do you care what we do with our money?

because I care about my bros in /biz family
it is just a matter of love, you see

Only very slightly, and considering ETH is on a massive bull run right now I reckon LINK is doing pretty well to be nearly 1:1 compared to ICO price, no? Besides, ETH is likely to dump soon so now would be a good time to buy more LINK

I ALMOST put in 10 eth during the ICO. Thank god I pussied out. I'm still pissed with the rest of you.

you're obviously the expert here, so what shitcoin do you recommend?

literally every other coin is up 10-20% meanwhile chain link is up 1%

you stupid faggots are missing out on the pump of a decade. enjoy holding your heavy ass bags after the pump ends

But they aren't bags. Bags would assume under ICO, I can sell my LINK anytime I like.

>thinks I'm only invested in LINK


Yeah right now it's ICO pricing. Presale was 0.00032 ETH.

If anyone is holding ETH and wants to diversify, now might be a good time.

Everyone shits on chainlink knows it's the most promising first mover right now.

I literally posted that I didn't buy chainlink retard. I invested 2 eth in BMC shitcoin instead. The rest of my shit is mooning

can you help bro i need a toilet

You obviously don't understand the point of crypto

all you damn bagholders need to get over chainlink. the more it shows, the more i dont want to buy any of this shitcoin

>the point of crypto is to daytrade for quick gains only!

If you say so lol.

I hope you don't buy LINK user, I want you to stay poor

thx 4 blog

It went 5x from ico price though? Wasn't the ico price 10 cent?

Trading for BTC/ETH yes, trading for USD no.
USD comparisons stop once you transfer your fiat into crypto.

Who fucking says?