Someone please tell me what's wrong with pic related as a money making strategy.
Someone please tell me what's wrong with pic related as a money making strategy
>after a 40 pip movement you will have 32 accounts that have doubled and 40 accounts that have halved
But that's wrong. You'll have 32 accounts that have doubled and 32 empty accounts.
Is that you Teeka?
Doesn't matter, we only need the doubled accounts.
I... I'm not following this at all. Wouldn't you just end up breaking even? And how the hell do you open 64 accounts?
You're fucking retarded
Holy shit you're stupid
Yes it does matter because in one scenario you create cash out of thin air and in the other one you are left with exactly as much money as you began with
Bid ask spread.
This is something professionals who want to teach how to trade actually do. This is not even uncommon or unheard of on Wall Street, it's one of the oldest tricks out there.
This is why Wall Street investors say never to trust anybody who shows their trade history as reason to trust them, but newfags on Veeky Forums wouldn't know that I guess.
Yeah, you have the same amount as before, but read the last paragraph, you can now sell any bullshit strategy to retards because they think you somehow did 128x profit with that strategy when they see that remaining account.
??? Elaborate?
Spread won't matter, not scalping here. Going for 40 pip moves.
On the off chance you're serious:
If you open a short position on EUR/USD such that a 40 pip movement would double the account (say turn $100 into $200), then an equivalent long position would lose $100 on that same movement. It would not lose $50 or 'halve the account" as the picture is claiming.
If the picture were correct, you would be left with 32 accounts with $200 and 32 accounts with $50. It is not. You are left with 32 accounts with $200 and 32 accounts with $0.
The $50 accounts in the picture are created out of thin air because of incorrect math. In reality this money out of thin air does not exist. You may notice that 32x200 = 64x100 so that you are left with exactly as much money as you started with.
Fuck off cunts I'm hungover as shit.
minus fees...
True, but that makes it worse, not better.
minus trading fees.
op retard
never change Veeky Forums
you 2 are so much retarded lmao
the point is not to get profit from trade but from selling your pro trading strategy to retards (like you)
that's exactly the point the image is trying to make dude
he just wants one winner account out of all the hundreds of them to show off and sell expensive fake advice to retarded normies for actual profit
Then why does the picture say
>after a 40 pip movement you will have 32 accounts that have doubled and 40 accounts that have halved
mistake, then why does it say:
>What did it cost you? Ideally only the spread