Stable Income for Dummies

Hello my fellow Veeky Forumsnessman

Today im feeling generous and will share with you my secret of how i set up a botnet that mines Monero and earns me about 15XMR a week. Below is a link to the zip file of the software and i will explain how it spreads and how to use it for your own personal gain (a 3% developer fee to myself is hard coded ofcourse)

So the steps are simple and as follows

1 - Download the zip file and extract it as you please there are 3 files (1 config and 2 executables) and make sure not to seperate them or to change their names!!

2 - DO NOT RUN them on a pc you don't want infected as it is a tedious process to remove it

3 - Proceed to copy the files to a USB flash drive

4 - change the contents of the config.json file to mine at any pool and any wallet you wish

5 - remove the flash drive and now you are ready to spread the botnet

6 - Attacking a target computer is simple you just insert the flash drive and run the "MSBuilderTx.exe" file and remove the drive

The botnet will begin mining for you after exactly 5 days! This is a precaution i added not to get caught and lays dormant until ready

The botnet will run on boot and prevent the pc from entering sleep mode when idle to maximize gains

The botnet spreads via attaching to other portable flash drives and will jump from one windows machine to another

The miner runs silently and does NOT stress the pc too much

This is a windows Vista-7-8-10 exclusive software and requires .NET to work

Hit places like photocopy shops, university campus pc's , student pc's , internet cafe's these are ares where flash storage activity is high and will spread quickly.

Other urls found in this thread:

Each machine will give you an average of 50 H/s and spreads rather quickly so prepare for large gains and stable income

I love you all and wish you goodluck, take care in not infecting your own PC's

I am only sharing this because you dudes gave me some good laughs in the past.

Here is the download link:

Best Regards

Thanks OP will dump it at my local photocopy shop, lets see how much i can make

You fucking retard


KEK you bag of clits


Only tryinto get thing off the ground i want my 3% , better than a bump

Samefagginf for the luls

But im honest , don't run it on your own PC's and change the config as you wish

what if I didn't open the zipfile

If you don't trust me run it in a VM and wait 5 days, heck im giving you gamblers a stable income

>i definitely did not bind this with my own bot. I'm simply helping you all out of the kindness of my heart!

LARP, as i said don't run it on your own pc"s its a miner botnet not a keylogger you illterate

Hey i get 3% thats 3 XMR for every 100 mined not T-Bag

Write your own botnet if you wish

I wanna believe you man, I work in IT and have access to a shitload of PC's. This could be big if true.

That's a good way to not work in IT again

Does it connect to computers you have infected or only to ones I infected

Only the ones you infect, it has no networking element, purely a miner bot that spreads via USB

If you actually wanna throw away your career to POTENTIALLY make money like this, find an actual botnet (search around on hackforums), but don't download the OPs

Give it a try if you don't believe me,
I work at a datacenter spread it to like 15 unused servers

IT underdogs gotta make the cash

You don't have to infect your work PC's just hit public ones , heck i threw it on two random chad's pc's and a kids gaymen pc once.

why do you have to run the exe when inserting the flash drive, doesn't windows have a vulnerability with the auto run thing?

Since its a custom exe windows doesnt care , once you dump it on a target pc it spreads silently so only the guy with the original copy and config knows

Oh and forgot to mention, during the 5 day dormancy period is preads but doesnt mine

Wait it moves itself to other flashdrives?

or to pcs on the same network

Exactly , USB's are the spread medium

As i stated it doesnt have a network element purely physical mediums so you have to hit each pc or expect flash drives to be exchanged between the pc before and after the 5 day dormancy

Any other questions?

OP i have shitty laptop at home fucking hate it. If i put this in the fucking piece of trash acer, it wont fuck up other devices attached to network at all? Doesnt care about ruining laptop but wouldnt want to skrew up everything else in my home...

expected 24hr gains per infected pc?

If you download this to your laptop OP will have access to every file on your computer. It likely also has a keylogger so he'll gain acess to your crypto. Don't willingly install a RAT onto your personal computer...

Nope , just don't insert any other USB drives into it after. I suggest spreading it to other shittops at starbucks or something though if you want it to scale

If you want it to run on just one machine just run a generic miner dummy

As i said 5 days dormancy period and about 300-400 USD for 100 odd pc's infected

Include me in the screencap when people fall for OP's bait and get put into his botnet

Run it on a vm if you don't believe me dumbfuck. I'm not after anyone's accounts im not a thief im an IT engineer

I get 3% no more, im already making a tonne i just cannot bother to physically spread it myself anymore so i would rather have others use it and live off the comission

source code?

Let's say I download the zip file to a wiped shitcomputer, load it on a usb, change the config file to point at a pool+wallet, how can I be put at risk?

I'm not that fucking dumb, you could just change the source to exclude the comission

i'll consider going on diff net cafes for a week if op gives out source code but i doubt he will because then any decent coder can remove his commission

Yeah true. But it would guarantee there's no networking or keylogger

But you don't run it on your own pc anyway

As i said im no thief, plus im explicitly telling people not to run it on their personal pc's wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a keylogger?

Your naming conventions are terrible OP

how much are you currently making from doing this?

based user

Yeah im a little rusty but i think the compiler changes those

This is the backup source from the network

Also the hard coded strings are used to mine for the comission pool.

is it legit though? I kind of want to spread this around school

Yeah its legit, no keyloggers no gimmicks. 3% to my wallet rest is yours if you don't believe me give it a try

Total noob here, Will try this, How do you change the wallet adres and pool?

>4 - change the contents of the config.json file to mine at any pool and any wallet you wish

How do i do that? again, Total noob here

I'm tempted to run this on my university computer lab, but they have software that automatically deletes everything on the computer at the end of the day. Deepfreeze I think it's called. There's a folder called thawspace which is left unaffected. But I don't know if it'd be safe to place in there.

How much slower do the computers run with this? And what's the expected income? You gave the hashrate but I don't know how that converts.

So you're the same pajeet that has been trying to scam Veeky Forums for years now, what was it last time? an online poker bogus shitware?

open with any text editor

open config.json with notepad dummy

Yeah the method fails with deepfrozen PC's

This is my first major post actually

Just stop right now...

post time stamped pic of hand.
If it is white maybe I go and infect some university PCs

Go poo in a loo already

>mfw people are actually gonna spread pajeet OPs botnet for him

what's the profit per computer and how much slower do they run?

>sunderram sharma
clearly pajeet


Im from the UK dumbfuck and clearly not some shitskin

You can change the CPU consumption also in the config.

do i need to change the url and pass to?

Pass is your wallet address and URL is the pool you wish to mine for

finger looks soyboy tier but its white, so you will get some new bots for your net.
And please don't tell me that this is a shisha tube in the background.

isnt user your adress?


does it have a keylogger or anything like that?

dude are you running mining pool on your home connection in turkey?

You would be setting up a mining bot on a target machine for his full profit with you getting nothing at all, basically doing it for free

Definitely not. OP would certainly not infect a bunch of people with money in crypto, why would he want access to your money?

OP what if we accidentally run it on our own computer? Got some kind of uninstaller?

For someone thats knows shit about code. If one were to write their own , where would he/she start.

>running it in my uni's network because pajeets are too fucking dumb to install security

HAHAHA free money


Download this keylogger and install it on your machine, then log into Amazon.

what do I change in config? really have no idea. what is "pass" for?

>OP is clearly not a shitskin
But OP is a cockroach from Turkey

OP just tell me what to write in the config, lets say I want to mine ethereum and my wallet adress is xyz123 can you give me an example?

send me your private key then i can help out

Just leave now. You are in over your head

im not a computer nerd like you guys, but with this, you are putting your info into this software that some other guy controls. isn't that a little shady?

i hope you listen to because you clearly dont know shit and are most likely going to get scammed so just fuck right off. like, right now, im pretty sure you actually contemplated even for a little bit giving your private key to the other user. just fuck off

Proof that OP is a roach from Turkey.

ok then...

Change the thread to How to Get Scammed by a Roach for Dummies
>now crawl back to where you came from

How did you get his ID?

I'm just downloading monero wallet for the first time, gonna set it up myself

He’s a roach, not a shitskin pajeet.
Check my last 2 posts.
By the way, nice try OP

Get scammed, fagits

>IT Engineer


Just say you couldnt hack it as a Computer Engineer, dont make up engineering degrees

I think OP is honest guy and if not I'm not gonna even notice that I have a virus

uninstall kebab

He's getting you clowns to make him richer. The bot mines to his monero address.

until you log in to an exchange and watch your funds get taken from you lol