
Guys I’m scared, is the can’t cash out meme real? Has anyone actually tried to cash out in their life?
The more I think the more real it seems

Just wire money to your bank account from coinbase or gemeni its not hard


No and it’s easy as fuck

I cashed out many times.


You can cash out through coinbase. If it's a smaller amount, like a couple grand or less a day, you can cash out through a bitcoin atm.

The fud is paid for and coordinated by institutions that are too late to the game and see the writing on the wall. They are severely underexposed to crypto and in order to buy enough to be properly exposed, they will make bitcoin owners filthy rich in the process. They are using tether/cashout/ponzi etc fud to shake out weak hands. Also, you can always trade your bitcoin for cash OTC at

>thinks it’s a meme

Are you retarded or something mate? Of course you can. That's what Gaydax is for

It really isn't. Have you ever actually cashed out?

No, there are many ways to cash out.

Also, consider that you might never have to. You can buy property, cars even legal advice with bitcoin, and were only at the beginning

Several times. GTFO shill you really want to cassh out?
you're IN forever user

I live in bumfuck nowhere canada and there's already tons of btc ATMs. fud elsewhere dick whistle

New coins start every other day. Millions of coins. Total worth of the ecosystem is millions or tens of millions of dollars.



Welp... looks like we've arrived at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it. You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat. All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank? Those are scams, the deposit never goes through. All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

I cash out like $5-10k a month for living expenses. Is this the latest fud meme or something? I don't come to this cesspool of a board much anymore

Do you have to pay tax everytime?

that's not cashing out m8.

I bet you couldn't really cash out if you tried.

I've been able to pull out small amounts like you to. I even spend time angrily responding to "cash out fud". Until I realized . . .

I can't cash out.

lmao you just said you could AND did... sooo.... you might want to seek medical attention because you might be having a stroke

pulling money out is not cashing out

fuck off nsa

>1 post by this ID
Y’all niggaz posting in a troll thread

What!? Cash me outside bro! I don't know what the hell you're going on about but I'm a take it as disrespect.

just imagine . . .

no crypto, not a single coin

You can't do it. You can't cash out.

I've read there is a bank in new York that literally converts coin to cash

everyone posting in these threads confirming they have cashed out is having their post numbers logged and their ips subpoenaed by a government agency which will then launch a blockchain investigation to charge each and every one who didnt report every trade to the cent with felony tax evasion and money laundering. Good luck guys, maybe think next time before giving away information about yourself on the internet just to feel smart.