Does absolutely nothing loudly

>does absolutely nothing loudly

Its a silent killer like ETH. it will stay put until you cant take it anymore, and when you least expect it, it will pop off

>being mad at Ark

absolutely scum. You don't fucking deserve to hold those precious bags you dumb shit. Don't you dare make this thread again.

Gonna post this as long as it takes.
Yes, I just posted OC on Veeky Forums


Remember when eth did nothing but bounce around $300 and stable there no matter what the fuck was going on with the market at the time?
Ark has been the exact same except around the $3 range

Shit will pop off so hard, I honestly can’t wait

remember when eth had a use case amd billions of dollars in market cap but Ark is just a token tier shit coin that leaves all its roadmap at 1% incomplete as their main founder goes off into the woods to drink ayuhusca and rape unsuspecting hikers?


textbook cup n' handle
strap in boyos

Which alt lead the way after the fork?

This is the coin that everyboy wants, in long term but also in short term. 99% as a business entity means one thing: partnerships. Justt think about how things bump when a shitcoin shows they are eating a burger (that they picked from the trash) next to the janitor of ibm. now think of fucking Ark promoting itself next to great bands.

98% mobile wallet will also bring huge exposure.

this is not going to go 2x or 3x when it pops. this is, at least a 4x-15x moon mission when shit gets updated (which will certanly be before the end of the year.).

if I had listened to biz and got ARK when they were shilling it at 3.5, I would be down a lot of money.
Instead I did my own research and bought NEO at 30 sold at 44
bought BQX/ETHOS at 1.20 sold at 1.80
bought OMG at 7.00 going to sell at 10
when and if ARK has big news coming, I'll try to get in on it then, but there's absolutely no reason to have your money sitting in a coin that does nothing for months, except devalue.

Lol omg is touching 5 before it touches 10 again you retarded faggot so I suggest you sell that too

either you're new or you're full of shit.
biz has been shilling ARK since it was like 1$

Since it was 30 cents as far as I remember

This cup looks like it's been having more volatility than the previous cups. I read more volatility during this "quiet" stage means the greater the following move will be. This next upshot should be glorious like the other couple have been when compared to the one before it.


If you bought an ATH for any coin you'd be down a lot of money. What kind of point is that?

>there's absolutely no reason to have your money sitting in a coin that does nothing for months, except devalue.

If anything ark is one of the few coins that doesn't just devalue, you can stake them, I personally earn almost 2 extra ark a day just by holding my ark and staking it in the wallet, if you believe ark to hit $100 one day (which a lot of people do) then I'm potentially earning $200 a day for when I sell, and that is on top of all the gains from your ark increasing.

Ark is an absolutely solid coin and the only alt I've personally ever held for more than a month, more people will realize this soon enough.

I'll take advice from you faggots when you give good advice. Until then I'm sticking with my own investment stratedgy and right now ARK is only worth holding 100coins if you want to sit on $300 for at least 3 months while it does nothing. Also that interview was bad

I think the first time I heard ARK on biz was around 10 cents actually...

Yep. Bought ARK around 10 cents at first and I definitely saw it on Veeky Forums first.

Been holding since and I've made big returns + more staking it. Man, what a shitcoin.

when is that fucking mobile wallet thing going to launch?

It's been weeks on the 98 percentile

fucking potheads

Right after you sell

If i had to guess it's probably purposely being held back until the business entity is completed (which recently increased to 99% yesterday so not long to wait now)

I think this is the case because of all the trouble other cryptos have had getting wallets delisted recently from the appstore on iOS (see the recent neo wallet takedown and effect that had on the price) so they probably want to make sure they have the legitimate legal backing done behind the scenes to make everything smooth as possible

Yeah i bought at $0.30 and I haven't looked back

Also, the ark wallet displays this:


Where is it worth this price?
Certainly not in a single exchange ark is listed

is this a blatant lie from the ark team?

>didn't get in when Veeky Forums was shilling at .45 cents
I'm not the one that made (you) an idiot.

Update to latest wallet.