Serious question

are there even mods on this board?

It's a containment board, so almost none

They deleted the pizza posted the night Vitalik tweeted about it. That's about all they do here.

Get enough people to report it and they show up

well I've been spamming "can't cash out" pasta all day, and I haven't been banned yet

I dont think they would ban for meme spam thats kinda what Veeky Forums is for

there's no need for mods

greed and money make the board moderate itself

It's a blue board so anything NSFW and you're banned. Other than that, anyhing goes as far as I've seen during my 9 months here.

yes i've been banned

The free market decides.

I cashed out your mother last night, bastard. Shit was so cash (out).

Trust me. If enough people report you for shit posting you get banned. Try it right now. Post a catch phase and an image of furries and dare everyone to report andv watch what happens

Yeah I got banned once for posting cartoon tits.

Yes, I got banned for a day for making a thread with pic related a while ago.


got banned for a day once because of a pasta
>what is dynamic IP

Needs a 3 syllable version

Which is NSFW.
They do have rules, like "no begging" but you can find a begging thread with tens of people begging, on the first pages, anytime. So you say it's because not enough people report those.




>say it's because not enough people report those.

Exactly. Mods don't know if you don't tell them.

fuck I'm so boring

banned for 2 days the other day for responding to a begging thread (not even begging). Careful...

That's fair.