10k BTC incoming

10k BTC incoming.

11/25 is dragonslayer.

We literally just went up billions of dollars in less than 24 hours. This is a huge red flag. This picture clearly states that the crash will happen at 10k. is anyone else actually worried about this btc growth?

Yeah I'm worried I don't have enough in my long position.

Sweet just got 100k BTC

i think a lot of people are about to be financially devastated. something tells me this is not a drill...btc is not regulated this could easily be taking place





1k BTC buy wall erected on BCC. fuck

alright so whats the play here boys? and dont say cash out there's always some type of play to make money during these shitstorms

Nice larp faggot.

You are all supposing chink investors are smart enough to think about this, what a load of bullshit.
Bitcoin will be 12000 in february check the digits faggots

>these artificial money is currently used to cash out chinese investors

yes because market capitalisation == cash

>If I say it's the end of the world every day one day I'll be right and everyone will then I'm a genius : the post.

hash rate has almost doubled for bch the past 3 hrs. this isnt fake


lol, yeah, right...people have been saying this was going to occur for days now...i've yet to see any proof of a coordinated move, unlike the one a couple weeks ago. where's the evidence of this 'dragonslayer' movement?

Not saying dragonslayer is real but this is more believable. It makes sense to make a btc bull trap first before switching to bch

Yeah I've already been financially devastated by this shit. Trial by fire, man. Now I've got a clue and I'm making $$$. Some shit could always hit the fan of course, but ain't that life?

oh shit
"this picture" states the crash will happen at 10k?
im fucking out boys, clearly this is going to happen, i mean this fucking picture says so

you type like english isnt your first language. I sense fud

There is a reason that 1k bcc sell orders started dumping right after the 8k btc buy wall momentarily came down. Right after the sells started an 8k bitcoin buy wall reappeared.

Bitcoin is also marching to ATH at the very same time.


bitfinex down???

maintenance mode...

BCH cucks are fucking delusional

We arrr legion xDDD slay tha dragon!!

Anamolous donesnt forget!! xD magapedes UNITE!!


Just went in for 3 more btc, let's gooooo!!!

this is fiction


Looks legit OP, just sold 100k.
Literally this.

looking at that whiteboard i thought heh great trolling...
only now do i realise just how great it was. triggered both sides...