Some of you guys are alright. Buy QSP tonight

Some of you guys are alright. Buy QSP tonight.

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nice! just shorted 100k

You're making a terrible mistake. New ATH by tomorrow.

There will be news tomorrow right? What do you think it will be?

Went all in at 10 cents. Comfy as fuck right now

I think they are revealing how their "proof of hold" staking will work on Monday I think that's the news, so shit. But it's still starting to pump, it's been sitting at 1800-2000 for two days now just waiting to break out. Now way this doesn't hit 3k.

I bought at 11, but don't think this has more potential than LINK, REQ or SUB so I'm out. Shill me pls though I want to come back.

The hype just isn't there.. It's kind of a "boring" project, at least that's how the market seems to be reacting. What's EOY 2018 price prediction here goys? I've got $250 to blow, and I can buy back in ezpz in this dip.

Quit posting this faggot im still acumalating this gem

I also bought at 11. Sold too early though at 20, but I bought back in.

I mean, look at Link and Req. Sitting there, no volume, pumping and giving you hope before crashing to a new all time low the very next day. I hold a major amount of both of those coins, got JUST'd more than probably anyone on this board by them. At least the project seems to have momentum now and a lot of volume. I think this still has a 2x left in it before I exit again.

I think the pump in ether should make the token more valuable. I'm holding my coins in my ether walled, I think the proof of hold will be something like bonus coins

How justed

I bought into ZEN, lots of good shit on the horizon btw. QSP's roadmap is rather bleak AFAIK, but I'm really big on the project and still have faith. Faith in the markets accurate evaluation of the project that is, my faith in the devs is unquestionable basically.

Sucks the markets so fucking stupid and pumping Bitcoin Diamond instead of valuable assets to the crypto community. But whatever, I think it'll lie low for awhile and I'll probably hop back in after some gravy train gains with ZEN. I wouldn't be suprised if I'm missing an ez x3 though.

All in on Link at 8-9k with 7 BTC.

Wish I had 7 BTC to get justed with kek

What else are you guys holding anyway?

Yeah it took me like 4 months of great trading to get that 7 BTC. OMG at $1. BNB at 30 cents. Walton at $1. And I fucking gave it all back with 1 move it makes me sick to my stomach. Luckily I swing traded a bit so I still have about 3 BTC left instead of 1 but it makes me sick every day and almost want to quit crypto.

Link, Req, QSP, and ETH. I gave up all hope in Link though I just hold it still so I don't kms on the 1% chance it moons.

i'm in, lets go

Oh cool. I've been following BTC and shitposting on Veeky Forums since the board was made but never had enough funds I could afford to lose until this year, so I'm a froshie poorfag holder (3.5k). I think I've been doing pretty good though, I followed the market and tech pretty closely for years out of interest, shits so fun with real money in it though.

Do you have faith in Walton? I thought it was cool but the whole thing gave me chinky vibes, and I think it's way over bought right now. I don't have the slightest clue what they're trying to accomplish either. My gut tells me OMG has a moon mission in it.

How'd you loose it all? And nice, I'm holding REQ and LINK too. I'd hold ETH, but it won't make a poorfag rich. So I snagged some SUB before it exploded and ZEN at around 2700 sats (big news for ZEN soon on the 30th).

Anyway, what do you see QSP getting to by Q2 2018? I think the project is great, like I said, but I think I'll get more returns elsewhere for awhile.. I might dump ZEN to sell the news and hope in QSP again though. Ripio looks promising too, but too pump and dumpy right now unless you can get in low.

Stay out and stay poor

I lost it earlier going all in on Link close to the ATH, which was really dumb of me but I got memed hard. I would have been O.K., I applied to the presale but just missed the cutoff block so I refused to buy it for a while, until I eventually FOMO bought in at the ATH. A brutal mistake that pretty much ruined me.

I don't know anything about ZEN. I don't like Walton or OMG anymore, like I said I rode them both from the bottom, they already had their moons and I think they're just vaporware. I'd just buy ETH in that case since it probably has the same amount of upside without all the baggage and downside.

I don't care much for the long term prospects of QSP, I just think it's been waiting to go off for a few days now, if it hits 3k I'll probably get out. I hear they don't plan to have a working product until 2019, and I don't understand the whole "proof of hold" meme they are using, I guess the details are coming Monday. But the team is too good and volume too high for it not to pump back to the ATH one more time. Tonight is looking good.



I wouldn't expect a full on moon they will shake the tree as hard as possible to shake out weak hands but this baby will hit $1 by eoy

3000 tomorrow
im just pullin this outta my ass.
i do have alot of qsp though
What is this bullshit?

What are peoples thoughts on the announcement?

Looks like it got mixed reactions. If it is GOOD news, then the market reacts positively and it moons. The fact that some people felt it was shitty makes me a little weary of it.

However, say if the announcement was Bittrex listing, obviously that is good news and it is going up. This? It dumped a little and is now wavering. Not sure what will happen next.

We will require projects that wish to receive a Quantstamp audit to give our Proof of HODL participants a significant allocation of their tokens.

Yea, but is there any benefit at the moment for companies to do that? It is very cow boy country at the moment, do any of them care?

I can see it being useful in 1 - 2 years when the bigger players have more of a foot in the block chain world.


My thoughts exactly.

Proof of HODL has pretty much become a guaranteed way to get a share of tokens/ coins from each project Quantstamp works on. HODLing QSP has now basically become a lil investment strategy in itself.

I like how people haven't figured this out yet could be giant to just have a nice myetherwallet filled with coins from all the projects they work on

because muh bittrex , as if that isnt on the cards this is only 1/2 announcements.


you know that wasn't "the Big news" right?

I think that was it. Richard said more news next week. Honestly anytning less than bittrex isn’t going to do shit unless QSP gets some sort of endorsement from ETH.

However, Vitalik in a tweet said “What’s Quantstamp”. So yeah, not too keen on this one at the moment. Let’s see what happens next.